Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

A few weeks ago I wrote about browsing inside this book at the HarperCollins site. You can still Browse Inside the first few chapters.
While out book shopping I came across a copy at the thrift store and of course it had to come home with me. I read it in short order and found it a nice break from books with more weightier topics.
The fact that we are told the main character is dead right from the first page only served to make the story more intriguing. The clincher is the absolutely gorgeous frothy pink dress on the cover. Yes, eventually the dress is described within the context of the story. Its picture is better than described.
This is a nice teenage romance without all the gushy kissing and other icky stuff (oh wait, that would be if it were aimed at pre-teens). Not as much character development as I would like in an adult novel, but perfect for the teen reader.
To find out more about this book and the following ones in the series, be sure to check out the official website . You can enter contests as well as learn about life in 1900 New York City.

Mystica has posted a review of this book.

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