Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Rainbow that Stopped a Town

Friday after school, I picked up my daughter and her friend from tennis practice.  We stopped at the grocery store for several items.  When we came out of the store, a growing number of people were standing and pointing at something behind me, to the east.  Once I put the items in my car, I also turned an looked.  I immediately understood their behaviour.  The sky was filled with the most perfect, brilliant double rainbow I have ever seen.  We arrived home about ten minutes later and I rushed into the house for my camera.  The pictures are very pale in comparision.

For a more enthusiastic response to a double rainbow, the following video is the ultimate.


Chinoiseries said...

The video cracked me up ;) I don't think i've ever seen a double rainbow before, it's really a beautiful sight!

Diana LaMarre said...

Wow, Heather, that is a beautiful rainbow!

Marie said...

Very cool! Nice photos. I find that rainbows are hard to photograph and always look better in person. ;)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I adore rainbows even if they don't have a pot of gold at the end of them. Beautifully captured, thanks for sharing.

sewnut said...

great rainbow photos!! I love seeing them.

Les said...

Gorgeous! It's been quite a while since I've seen a rainbow, let alone a double!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I see you're from Ontario. I was born in Ottawa many, many years ago. I've been in the U.S. since I was about five, but I'd love to get to Ontario for a visit someday.