Beat The Winter Blues - Quilters' Blog Hop Party
Winter can be an awefully long time, specially when the sun hasn't been shining. For the next week, we can create our own sunshine, by hopping around and visiting the over 175 blogs joining in the the Quilters' Blog Hop Party.
Welcome to Books and Quilts. For over 5 years, and 1000+ posts, I have been writing about my various needlecrafts I do and books I have read. Scattered in are food posts, vacation photos and other such fun. Did I mention quilts, there are quite a few of those as well.

Occasionally on Friday I review a book by a First Nations/Aboriginal author.
Most Saturdays, I join in with Beth Fish Reads for her Weekend Cooking post.
This week I have been working on a scrappy log cabin style wall hanging. I received the pieces during a local shop hop a number of years ago. I promptly cut the kit and then for some reason it got placed in a box and forgotten. What a pleasure to pull it out and start sewing right away. The star at the centre of the blocks are all pieced and I am ready to add the logs. When you return on Tuesday for my next Needlework Tuesday post, I should have the top completed. These little beauties measure 6 1/2 inches.
This past Tuesday's post was all about disappearing 4 patch blocks. I tried three different versions, and am still looking for tutorials of more variations of this block.
The week before, I unveiled the bird quilt that I have been working on. Below is just one of the twelve blocks. Click the link to view the entire quilt.
Now for the Giveaway.
One lucky winner will receive this lovely fat quarter assortment. Doesn't it just call out 'SPRING'.
Be sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form and leave a comment. You don't have to be a follower of my blog to enter, but it would be nice if you were. It will also give you two extra entries. If I get 20 new followers, (I have 101 at present) I will add a second prize of 2 fat quarters.
Update: 11am Saturday, 21 new followers, so will add a second prize of 2 fat quarters. Let's up the ante one more time, another 20 followers (141) will result in a third prize. This sure is fun.
Update: 3pm Sunday, lots of new followers, I'm over 150, so there will be three prize draws.
My favorite quilt block is ummmm ummmm any easy one?
I really don't have a favorite, but I like paper piecing. Especially kitty cats!
Easy... I like jelly roll and charm packs.
The Pinwheel is a favorite but one day I must make a quilt with the Bear Paw! Thanks for the chance!!
They all turn out wonkey so I guess that's it!
The Hourglass block is the one I have made most often, but I am currently in love with Churn Dash.
I'm just starting out, so learning as I go. Just stitched Drunkard's path for a school project for my son...is that even the correct name? lol
favourite quilt block? I'm not sure--paper piecing is what I've recently started and that was my 'intro' to quilting!
I like improvised blocks where you can just cut and sew without measuring anything!
I like star blocks.
First, I have to say that I LOVE the little faces in those flowers. Super cute. I always lean towards square in square blocks.
I love log cabin and star blocks.
Favorite block??!! I don't have one. I just like to sew them!
Love sewing the pinwheel block
I just love simple square blocks. They look so effective when randomly sewn together. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Now I have to become a follower because I am dying to see what you make with those log cabin stars! I am a sucker for any block with a star...
Any Paper piecing block
I am a new follower love your quilting projects
I like pinwheels. Thanks for the chance to win.
I see thera are already 10 more followers... love the give-away-day.
Thanks for the chance to win.. I love stars. :)
I really enjoy paper piecing and also love star blocks!
I love the churn dash!
Favorite block?, no, I dont have one, I love quilting so I try all I like, thanks for the giveaway!!
4 and 9 patches--I don't know why, but they seem magical to me.
I liked paper pieced blocks! it's a new addiction :)
Star block is my favorite but i love them all !
My favorite quilt block is probably the log cabin block.
I'm a new follower!
Log cabin is my favorite. Thanks for this giveaway!
I love your bird quilt!! I had a peek.
Thanks for this chance.
I love your bird quilt!! I had a peek.
Thanks for this chance.
I love your bird quilt!! I had a peek.
Thanks for this chance.
I like scrappy blocks. thanks for the very nice giveaway.
English Paper Pieced Hexagons.
Your stars are lovely, it's an aswome idea to half the background into a dark-bright scheme. I probably sew nine patches and squares in squares most.
Thanks for the chance!
I'm a new follower of yours.
Who can resist fat quarters! Thanks for the chance! Also, right after this, will be a new follower!
I love star blocks!
Paper pieced stars are my favorite
So springy...love them! 6 1/2" small...intriguing...be back on Tuesday...Thanks!
thank you so much for this giveaway, I love those fabrics and I hope you can add the two more ^_^
my favorite pattern is double pinwheel
thank you so much for this giveaway, I love those fabrics and I hope you can add the two more ^_^
my favorite pattern is double pinwheel
Thank you for the chance to win.
I like pinwheels- so easy, but still so sharp and effective! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
FOr me it is wonky stars, wonky log cabins, and wonky houses! I love wonky!!!
thank you for this great chance. I am new happy follower from Italy.My favorite pattern is log cabin. hugs Alessandra
I love making a quilted star :) Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
I love star blocks!
I love log cabin blocks - so many variations. Thanks for the chance to win.
thank you for the chance to win. current fav is the snails trail block
My favorite blocks are scrappy blocks where 1/4" seams don't matter ;) Beautiful Fabrics, Thank You!
I don't have one favorite quilt block, but I love star blocks!! The fabrics you have a beautiful!
My favorite quilt block is the Dresden Plate. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
my favorite block to sew is the disappearing nine patch
love those fabrics
I'm really enjoying half-square triangles lately, and I'm learning some new techniques in the BOMs that I'm participating in, so might have a new favorite soon :)
I have been sewing the twister blocks but am headed to start hexagons:)
love the spring fabric:)
I like log cabin blocks.
I like log cabin blocks because they are so versatile.
I hope I have worked out the helicopter thingie right....... nice fabrics, would be a shame if I was too much of a techy ludite to win !!! x
Sawtooth Stars. Thanks for the giveaway!
That disappearing four patch still amazes me! Love the colours. It's gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway.
Anything modern :-)
I love log cabin blocks or any of the traditional blocks . Thanks for the chance to win , I am a new follower and will be back.
I love anything with flying geese in it! Lovely giveaway by the way.
I love that bird block and just signed up with GFC.
Nice fabric and thanks for a chance to win. I am going to post your little mouse.
You're right, the fabric shouts spring!
My favourite block to sew is a log cabin.
My rafflecopter name id Julie G.
Great giveaway (I love fat quarters and these colors are GREAT!) and congrats on all of your new followers! I have received 14 new friends so far and could not be more thrilled!
My favorite block is log cabin - but I am seeing all of these adorable star blocks that I am getting ready to try!
Those are definitely spring fabric goodness. thanks for the chance.
I love the pinwheel block.
That would have to be the 4-patch block. So easy and yet so versatile. I need to see spring colors to help chase away the blues. Great assortment. Thank you for joining the Blog Hop and giving all of us a chance to win.
Sandi Timmons
Sonora, CA
I just learned how to sew, so my favorite quilt block is any with straight lines... 9 patch is the best so far!
I love the pinwheel block! Thanks for a chance to win this bright cheerful fabric! :)
Beautiful fabric and you are correct! They are really "springy"
Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for participating.
I tend to lean toward star blocks I have been eyeing the Swoon and compass blocks so many awesome ones! Thanks for an opportunity to win your lovely give away.
I am a new follower - GFC?
Anything with stars is at the top of my list!
I love the jewel box block. I enjoyed making a contrary wife..no there is a Barn with a Farmer's wife block in it. I just can't choose.
I like easy blocks like the log cabin. I don't like wonky blocks. These are lovely fabrics. Thank you.
I guess a nine patch bc you can do a lot with it...and its easy and I'm a beginner.
Stars....just love stars
Wonderful giveaway thanks for the chance.
I love to make hexagons and scrappy block quilts. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. Love those fabrics so cheerful and "springish"
cute giveaway, not sure what hte question was here... favorite block? gosh some days I feel like super easy blocks, other days I like to make intricate foundation blocks
Gosh Heather I really don't think I have a favorite block it's whatever I am working on now!
Like simple piecing with intricate quilting.
My favorite quilt block is the log cabin but I love trying new blocks as well. Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)
don't have a favorite block
I have several favorites. I love hexis and dresdens a lot right now. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love pinwheel blocks. There are so many variations to love.
I like stars blocks
Favorite block? The last one I designed myself! Ha ha! Also love pinwheels.
I think Ohio Star is my favorite to sew quickly though i am enjoying my long-term paper-pieced New York Beauty blocks.
Love your bird quilt! The borders you added are very lovely! Thanks sew much for this chance to win your generous giveaway :-D
back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com
I think right now, my favorite is the pinwheel.
Hi Heather. String blocks are my current favourite. Can't wait to see your scrappy log cabin with the star centres.
I like dresdens. I don't see your GFC, but I would love to follow....
I found it
I love pinwheel blocks. I love those spring fabrics. Thanks for the chance.
Great bird blocks, so much detail! My favourite to sew is a fire hydrant block I designed.
I've been working on crumb blocks for the past couple of days. I could never pick a favourite block, which is why I love "block of the week" projects!
Star blocks are my favorite to sew. Thanks!
I love paper pieced blocks
It's the Log Cabin!
I am a newbie so have only made squares and log cabins. I really loe log cabins. So much can be done with them.
I'm not a quilter, but I do sew for charity, World of Charity Stitching group.
New follower here: #155!!
I'm in love with improvisational piecing right now :)
Thanks for the chance at an absolutely awesome giveaway!!
I am a new follower. I am planning a quilt using the Colorado Beauty block. No favorites, I like them all.
You are so talented! I enjoyed seeing your projects. I like little quilts, too. Enormous sense of satisfaction, right?
My new favorite is a barn block from the Barn-along by Bee in my Bonnet.
My favourite block right now is the stack and whack block!
I like the good old fashion 9 patch :-) And also a pretty star. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm enjoying pp blocks at present.
Thank you for the chance:)
I Love To Make Heart Blocks And Friendship stars
Right now I am loving wonky log cabin blocks.
I love pinwheels! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a Happy Day! :)
I love pinwheels and nine patch variations.
I tried one of the disappearing 4 patch blocks, yesterday, and it may be my new favourite.
Love your blog and follow by RSS feed.
I like star blocks, thank you for the giveaway!
My favourite is courthouse steps
I have always like the good ole' log cabin block. You can get so many looks with it. thanks for the giveaway.
I like drunkard's path. Thanks for the giveaway and for your lovely blog - I love your disappearing fourpatch.
favourite quilt block is churn dash, has been for about 40 years, but gee I have never made a complet quilt with that block...
I dont' have a favourite, I like variety. I've recently been trying some paper piecing and I love it.
Any kind of star block. Love them all. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw. bonnielarson58@gmail.com
I've seen many disappearing 4-patch quilts but for some reason yours is special - I'm off to check out your D4P link to see if you did something different or if it's just your choice of fabrics!
Love fat quarters! And spring colors, Yeah! We are so ready for spring in Ohio.
Not sure I really have a favourite yet - there are just way too many blocks to experiment with!
Love the spring colors!
I knid of like 9patch.
Congratulations on all the new followers!
Thanks for the chance to win some new lovelies.
I've not made a quilt yet, but my favorite quilt was the cathedral window quilt my mom made years ago.
love the disappearing 4 and 9 blocks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I love paper piecing and stars so I welcome any time I can squeeze in a PP'd star with the rest of my projects. Great giveaway - thanks for the chance.
I don't have a favorite, I just can't choose.... but I LOVE PINK! in fact, I have a nickname of Pinky!
log cabin, but I have wanted to do some papaer piecing. and disappearing 4/9 parches!
No favorite yet but I enjoy wonky blocks and improv
my favorite is log cabin. Thanks
My favourite block to do so far is log cagin.
My favorites are anything paper pieced by Kristy of Quiet Play blog!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Scary confession - I haven't finished my first quilt block. I am that new to quilting. Thank you for sharing
Churn dash is my favourite
My favorite block is the simple nine patch.
I want to do some paper piecing and make a quilt with circles
It's not a common one but Honey Bee is my favorite quilt block. Other favorites are Log Cabin and Ohio Star.
Okay, I'm not sure I'm doing this right....My favorite block is Shoofly followed by Bowtie and Fan.
I like your quilttops, they are very nice. And your give-away.....yes it is springfabrics!
Gun, Sweden
I Love Paper Piecing. I Love the Mariners Compass Block Also. Thanks for this Chance to Win!
I'm a Follower....
My favorite Block is Mariners Compass. I Love paper piecing!
My favorite block to sew is the Ohio star or the friendship star. I had to look at your bird quilt. Just gorgeous. What a treasure that will be when you get it back from quilting.
I am a new follower.
I like star blocks the best.
My favorite block to sew is the Nine patch. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
I love the Dresden Plate block!
Pretty new to quilty things...loved doing Pinwheels, Tumblers, and workin' on a HST quilt now...Easy is my favorite block style...so far...lol
What fun, thanks for the chance!
I like to sew Log Cabin blocks -- they're fast and easy and once I get going I can get a lot done! :)
My favorite block to sew is a New York Beauty with paper piecing. Thanks for the super giveaway.
I love log cabins and all their different layouts, and possibilities. Plus with an active 5 yr old son, it's an easy stop and start quilt!
Love your bird quilt. My favorite block is the log cabin, that will change next week I'm sure. 3bakergirlsgo@gmail.com
I like doing paper piecing. The traditional blocks tend to drive me batty, but I love putting a picture together. Thanks!
Right now, scrappy trip blocks. They are soooo much fun and such a scrap buster.
I design and create my own textile art. Thanks for the give away
Thank you for offering such a generous prize Coullmills@gmail.com i like log cabins
I love making pinwheels!
I love log cabins. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favourite quilt block WAS a paper pieced frog because I did it as a round robin so I only made one and each of my friends made one so I had enough for an entire quilt. It was so sweet!
Great giveaway! I love those fabrics. I could find a project to use those up in an instant!
Be sure to check out my blog hop giveaway too at www.brandylynndesigns.blogspot.com and enter the draw.
Email: info@explorefibre.com
Wow, that is a wonderful giveaway gift. Thanks for being in the blog hop and for the fun. I like the turn dash block.
I'm making triads of flying geese squares, and I'm not tired of them yet! I have tried a few different methods while using my scraps so maybe that's why
Ich bin noch Anfängerin, im Moment nähe ich an einem Medaillon Quilt
Grüße aus Deutschland von
Wow. These colors would be perfect for a project I found.
I seem to be making a lot of pinwheels lately. I like log cabins. I've been making a lot of modern quilts too.
I always love the block I'm making so my favourite changes with each project.
I love string blocks! Thanks for the chance!
That is so hard to answer because they are all challenging and even the seemingly easy ones have their frustrations. I am particularly thrilled when overcoming a problem whether it be with selecting fabric colour, print or the cutting and assembling. Each solved difficulty become the next platform to work from and the sense of accomplishment makes it all seem highly worthwhile. It really doesn't matter which block for they each have this amazing potential for growth and to me are all so wonderful.
I love most of the blocks but especially stars. Probably stars right now because I have started to design some 4th of July patterns....
I think my favorite is pinwheel - so pretty.
I think your fabrics would make a lovely pinwheel quilt. I love pinwheels.
I like log cabin block
I just made a table runner using the disappearing 9 patch and it turned out pretty cool. I have only been quilting for 2 years now and participated in my local quilt shops BOM's the last 2 years so I have 24 very nice blocks just waiting to become a quilt...on my very long list of things to do. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I'm a beginner and have really only done squares, but I love anything with star shapes.
disappearing nine patch but I loved your 4 patch. Thanks.
I love your stars! But my favorite block is churn dash. Thanks for being so generous.
I like to sew the nine patch.
I love New York Beauty blocks.
ktreve(at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow you through GFC.
I love your bird quilt, amazing.
ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com
The contest is now closed, but you are welcome to leave a comment telling me your favourte quilt block.
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