Tuesday 25 August 2015

Needlework Tuesday - Making better use of my time

How in the heck did it get to be the end of August already.  I want back the sun, the shine, the heat, and the lazy days.  Oops, I'm thinking perhaps I indulged a bit too much in the lazy days and that's why I accomplished less than I had planned.

I will admit that when my children are here, I'll push every thing to the back and leave all my time open to whatever they want or need done.  Daughter has been home almost four months since her last school term ended.  I can't complain about a minute of the time I have spent with her, though I do wish I had spent my spare time a little wiser.

I did manage to read a handful of books and write some reviews.  I sewed several bags and have two more started.  I even started on the afghan shown, which is a gift for a neighbour's son who is getting married in the fall.  So why do I feel as though I haven't done anything.

Would a to do list help.  I know people who write them and then tick off completed items.  I could try that, a weekly or monthly list that would show what I've done.  Oh wait, I did that last year but gave up after about five months. I kept losing the list.  Fortunately I have this blog. It has all the tracking that I need. It has photos, lists of supplies, links to patterns and best of all, feedback from my online friends and readers.  What else could I ask for, except maybe for personal visits with each of you where we could stitch together, sip tea/coffee and chat. That would be great.

Back to the afghan.  The neighbours moved in at least fifteen years ago and we met them as they were building their house.  I'm on hugging basis with the entire family.  I could have went to the store and purchased any gift, but I like the personal touch.  A hand knit afghan is always welcome.  This pattern is from a ball band from Bernat Super Value Yarn.  It's the lacy Waves Afghan.  I selected three yarns different from that suggested: Honey #07469, Forest Green # 53243, and Redwood Heather # 53522.  The pattern is straight forward, though careful counting is required. I have had to fix a few errors during the first repeat. If I pay attention, I can knit one band of colour in an evening.  That easily will see it completed prior to the wedding.  If not, they are going on a honeymoon and won't need it till they arrive back home. whew, breathing space.

As I have been stitching, I was wondering who else stitches wedding gifts, what do you make?

Mister Linky is waiting below and he'd love to see links to wedding gifts you have made as well as a link to your current needlework post.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love the colors of the Afghan, beautiful. Depending on who the gift is for, I make something by hand, a doily or is enough time, maybe a lap quilt. Have a great day!

Lin said...

The afghan is going to be gorgeous! I have always wanted an extra day in the week but the more and more that I see of the gorgeous knitting and crochet that is going on I am starting to feel that two days might be better!! Wedding gifts for family only here I'm afraid - it would have to be a really really good friend who appreciates hand work that got a handmade wedding gift from me. Glad you have enjoyed your time with family - ours have just been here for 10 days and we are feeling bereft. xx

Joy said...

Beautiful afghan! Love the pattern and colors. That will be a treasured gift for a young couple.

Joy's Book Blog