Thursday 15 November 2007

Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith

This is a very cool book.
Stark is the hero of this 'detective' novel. He lives in the COLOUR neighbourhood (where the surroundings respond to the clothing you are wearing and to your moods). The country is mostly one large city composed of a huge numbers of neighbourhoods, each with their particular idiosyncrasies.
He is on the search for a missing scientist from the next neighbourhood. Throughout the course of this search, Stark comes to realize that it has all been about him.
This is a book that you want to take your time reading. I am still trying to decide if this world is made up of multiple realities, or is it Stark's perception of reality at various times in his life that have created the realities.
He sums it up in one paragraph near the end of the book:"Everything you've done, everything you've seen, everything you've become, remains. You never can go back, only forward, and if you don't bring the whole of yourself with you, you'll never see the sun again."This book definitely deserves to be reread, perhaps several times.

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