Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Now fifteen, Will is of age to be apprenticed in a trade should any of the Craft masters select him. This is the fate/opportunity of orphans in the lands of Baron Arald. Will, who was orphaned at birth wants to go the Battle school as he believes his father was a warrior. He is in for quite a surprise when it is his turn to face the Baron and the Craft masters.
I really can't tell you any more or I will spill too much plot. Suffice to say that this was a captivating read. I hardly put it down once started. Yes, it is written with teen readers in mind, but there is enough in the story to keep adults interested. I enjoyed the interplay between the 5 orphans. Watching them 'find' themselves withing their apprentices rang true to the life.
This has been a wildly successful series in Australia and has spread worldwide. It is now in it's 9Th novel.
This book would be welcomed by any youth who likes a bit of mystery and magic in their reading. My daughter has asked for the boxed set of the first 3 books for Christmas. I have recommended to my daughter's librarian that she preview it online at John Flanagan's 'Ranger's Apprentice' Australian website.


hoodie said...

hey Heather!
Do you have any recommendations for a 11 yr old? Friends just adopted and their new daughter loves to read.
Thanks for stopping by at hoodieruns!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I agree Heather, it is a good read, insightful and a real page-turner. I had no idea it was into the 9th book though.