Friday 20 May 2011

You Can't Outsource Weight Loss #2

 This is my second response to You Can't Outsource Weight Loss by Capt. Ed Boullianne.

For the past two weeks I have been conducting the 'Self-Assessment'.  I copied the 'Daily Meal Log' from page 172-173 so I could easily show you the results.  I was totally honest in what I ate and whether I added garnishes or toppings. 

First column: what + how much food I ate
I did pretty good here. I tend to eat a fair amount of fresh made food.  Not much canned stuff as it's too salty for my blood pressure and it doesn't taste all that great anyway.  Snacking is where I am adding too many calories.

Second column: Why I ate these
Since I am at home most days, it's not that difficult for me to make my own meals.  I don't tend to fast food or takeout. Dinner is family time, so it's the time when I make something that appeals to all of us.  Snacks were usually eaten because I wanted something sweet or I needed something to eat after a healthy workout (either running or fencing). 

Third Column: How I felt
A few times I noted that I felt kind of hallow, meaning I didn't eat enough or the right combination at the previous meal.  One note said I needed more protein in my lunch. For the most part, I ate the correct amount and didn't feel hungry nor did I feel stuffed.

Fourth Column: How much I moved
I run three to four times a week, fence twice and then walk the dog up to three times a day.  In between I take the occasional extra walk. On the whole, I feel that I get sufficient exercise.

A typical breakfast:
a home made fruit smoothie shared four ways (2 cups real juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop soy protein powder, 1 handful frozen fruit) 1/2 cup yogurt mixed with 1/3 cup muesli.

Today's lunch:
1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 1/2 cup soy milk, 3/4 cup sliced fresh strawberries and 1-2 tbsp of sunflower seeds.  This wasn't quite enough, so I added about 10 small tortillas chips.  This rice dish is a favourite with my kids, they add what ever they like of fresh or dried fruit and then after they warm it in the microwave they add some nuts of their choice.

So how am I feeling?  I feel good.  I have cut down my snacking and don't feel as though I am hungry or missing anything.  I realized that I am an emotional eater.  That I was cutting back a bit at meals so I could eat snacks, but I was way over eating on the amounts.  Now I am focusing more on the meals.  My next step is to go back and re-read the chapters on emotional eater.  I'll be back with another update later in the month.

Did I lose weight?  You bet I did, at least three pounds.

Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads.  Visit on Saturday for all your foodie urgings. 


Marie said...

Way to Go! Good Job!

Ed said...

Heather, great results and what a rewarding exercise self-assessment is, even though many people find it difficult. Only one comment - your breakfast smoothie seems substantial, but remember, if you drink a meal, your body may see it as fluids and not as food; therefore you may be looking for that snack before lunch. Looking forward to your next update, Ed

JoAnn said...

Congratulations, Heather!!

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

You are doing fantastic! Nice going!

Col (Col Reads) said...

Sounds like a really good exercise!

Nan said...

Good for you! This is one of the big things in Weight Watchers - paying attention and writing down what you eat. Just that small effort makes a difference because often people eat unconsciously. I heard once that it takes 45 minutes of exercise to burn off a package of M&Ms. Wow.

Margot said...

Good for you Heather. Sounds like a good program. I must have missed your first post on this. I'll go back and find it.

Joy Weese Moll said...

Way to go! Food journaling has been enormously helpful on my journey. This book sounds great (I love the title!). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be available in libraries so I look forward to your continued thoughts so I know if I want to buy this.

Beth F said...

This is fascinating. I haven't kept a food diary in years. You definitely get enough exercise