Tuesday 2 August 2011

Needlework Tuesday - Time to make Curtains

Needlework Tuesday is open to all readers looking for inspiration, encouragement or who want to share their recent needlework project.. Introduce yourself in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your current post

For the past four days my family and I have been at friends' cottage.  It's a gorgeous place and it served to totally distract me from the events of the past month.  Not really a setting to sit and do detailed crochet, thus all needlework remained at home.
 Sitting and enjoying the lovely views or soaking in the lake were the order of the day.  I did take along several books and finished two of them.  Reviews later in the week.
Along side the main cottage is a long building, bunkie, with several extra bedrooms.  Only a few of the windows have curtains.  This room has a few sheers thrown up, but they are not sized properly nor do they cover all the windows.
 This room is not completed and has no window nor door coverings.  No screen in the door at this time.

We slept in the room at the right of this photo.  No window coverings. 

I have offered my friends that I will make curtains for all these windows, including the doors.  They will all be the same fabric.  A nice lacy white.  I am thinking that they will need to be very full to give some privacy, but an open fabric to allow the cooling breeze to enter.  Probably curtains triple the width of the windows.  A small casing at the top and if I am lucky the bottom will have a self hem.  A few of the windows need a bit more privacy so I will line those with sheer white.

There are thirteen windows in total, including the unfinished room.  On that door I think sashing rods top and bottom to hold the curtain in place.  I love that door.  This is going to be a lot of yards of fabric.  Most I've bought was seventeen yards for curtains at my husband's grandfathers.   I'm thinking closer to 35-40 yards here.  eeks.  Just a rough estimate.  Now I know why they haven't just gone out and bought finished curtains. 

It will be such a pleasure to do this for our friends. 

What have you been stitching this week?  or did you take a break as well?  Perhaps you have been shopping for supplies for your next project.  Leave a comment and let me know.  Better yet, write a post about it, and leave me a  link.

Rikki at Rikki's Teleidoscope has presented her readers with all sorts of possibilities.   Love the new yarn.  How many of those cute granny squares will she complete before she decides how to use them?

Sarah at Lit and Laundry has started on a gorgeous hand applique wreath block.  I love her choice of colours.

1 comment:

Rikki said...

Wow, that's going to be a lot of work, but I am sure it will look great with all curtains the same fabric and your friends will love it. The cottage and its location looks awesome!
Here is my post for this week, quite a mixed bag!