Sunday 27 April 2008

Sea Storm Quilt Design

It's been a while since I posted the previous design for these blocks. This one is called 'Sea Storm'. It sorta looks like waves on the surface of the water.
To me, the rust colour zig zags make the pieced triangle squares move, at one glance they move forward in the quilt and the next they seem to recede.

I am quickly running out of options to try with my blocks. I would welcome suggestions of additional designs. Remember that I have 64 blocks, so an 8x8 design will work best.

My next quilt project is a display of 'fabric postcards' that will be shown at my guild's show in May. They are part of the quilt shows of St. Jacobs. I have a few that I have made, several from my mom, and a few members of the online Maple Leaf Quilt Guild have sent some to include. I plan to make more varied samples over the next two weeks, so stay tuned for some pictures.

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