Tuesday 25 November 2008

All my Relations

I really did make a post today, but I had started it as a draft a few weeks back and when I clicked on publish, it was posted back on the day that I had started it instead of right here. arg.

So here's the link, or you can scroll down.


All my Relations: An Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Native Fiction ed. by Thomas King.

This is my 3rd bock for the 2nd Canadian Book Challenge.

1 comment:

lisa. said...


Just wanted to say, if you haven't seen the post by the time you're reading this, I've decided to stop blogging on my That Girl blog.

(I am starting a new one though!)

I wanted to say thankyou thankyou thankyou for being a reader of my blog! I think you were actually the only one I had. For your comments and feedback and advice, I appreciate it.

Thankyou! (:

PS I have written an ending post on my blog, you can read that for the new link and justification of my blog coming to an end.

Lisa xxx.