Tuesday 1 November 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Getting started

 Last week I told you that I was going to start on a pair of socks for my sister.  Before I could start on today's post, I had to cast on one of those socks.  Since a cast on only doesn't look good in a photo, I had to knit several rows.  This pair is not knit with ribbing at the top, but instead, a lining that gets folded to the inside and it then looks like and I-cord around the top.  So far I have six or seven rows complete.   The orange wool at the bottom is a provisional crochet cast-on.  The yarn I'm using isn't really as pink/purple as it appears.  Now that I have started, I can't wait to get back to them.

I will be knitting two at a time, but have started with just the one for the moment.  the pattern says to use a slightly smaller needle for the lining part, and the one I have is too short to do both pairs.  Guess I need a new needle.

Progress on the colourful afghan is going great.  I am about half way around on the final scalloped border.  I had a left over ball of variegated that looks great with the rest.  I am winging it on the scallops. Some are a bit narrower to accommodate the random number of stitches along each side. No one is really ever going to notice right.

 It's full steam ahead on the new quilt, at least for the moment.  I finished blocks three and four.  I love the back ground material and hope that I can find it in some other colours as I'd like to use it again.   For the flying geese, I used the stitch and flip method for the corners.  They are turning out quite well.
This block was a bit challenging as it required pinning to bet the points of the blades to match with the corners of the centre.  The pattern indicated that the dark blue should have been brown, but as I told you last time, I don't have enough brown, so am making some substitutions.

I'm not adverse to making changes to patterns, in fact, I do it quite often.  One of the blocks for this pattern is the cake stand. It's a pretty block but it just doesn't fit with all the others.  out it goes and I'll find another I like better.  As long as I keep the colours co-ordinated  it will work.

I've also embarked on a secret mission project for a  friend.  She was over last week and we looked through the quilt tops I have tucked away.  She found one she liked and now I'll be working at getting that one quilted before the holidays.   A quick trip to the quilt shop for batting and thread and they also had a lovely template for quilting, now I'm ready to go.   I'll sneak in some close-ups as I work along, but the unveil will be in the new year.  I'm sure you don't mind waiting.

Any one else working on secret projects?  oh wait, you can't answer that...

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

I hope that you are having fun and  making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment.  Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework post.


Roslyn said...

Every time I read about another's sock knitting I fall into despair of never finishing mine,LOL!

Marie said...

I don't think I've seen socks that don't have ribbing. Can't wait to see more of these ones.

Gorgeous quilt blocks! I love making changes to patterns. That way it's uniquely yours.

Have a great week!