Tuesday 8 November 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Darning in those yarn ends

I made some progress on the socks.  Before I can go any further, I have to bury all those ends.  Arg, I hate patterns that continually instruct you to cut the yarn when you pick up the new colour.  Then I realized that i started with the wrong side facing, so when I try to unzip the provisional cast on, that starts from the end of the row.  A second arg.  Once I get through these annoyances, I know that I'll breeze on down to the heel, which uses a new-to-me technique.

Keeping my head to the grindstone, i managed to finish four more blocks for my quilt.  That's eight if you are keeping track.  I have the next three blocks cut and read to stitch.  The twelfth I have to select a different pattern.

All the individual cutting for this quilt is driving me crazy.  I am so done with traditional sampler quilts.   Prior to this week's stitching,  I decided to cut all the pieces I would need to the back ground of all the blocks.  That worked well.  Then I did the same for all the brown.  That left only cutting the various blues/teals for each block as it was started.  So much less frustrating.

now to start thinking about fabric for the sashing and the borders.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you. I hope that you are having fun and making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment. 

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework post.


Lin said...

I love the colours of your quilt blocks. I hate darning in ends - I usually try to work them in as I go. xx

Mary Ann Tate said...

Your quilt will look fabulous. I like the colours you've chosen. I can't link up this week as I don't think I have anything to share. Next time:)

Roslyn said...

I am 100% with you Heather I am all done with traditional sampler quilts, I find them tedious and SO labor intensive!
I so want to work on my other sock, maybe next week as I begin to recuperate from foot surgery if I can still understand the pattern instructions after all this time!

Kate said...

Weaving in the ends is a bother. I sometimes weave them in as I go. That sometimes works.

Marie said...

I hate darning in those darn ends! I'd much rather carry the yarns up the side, but that's not always possible. Those socks are going to be fabulous!

I don't envy your fabric cutting. All those little pieces. Yuk. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt, though, and all of your hard work is paying off. Great job!