Monday 22 January 2018

Stitch'n Time - Have I Accomplished Anything?

I am having one of those days where I question whether I accomplished any thing in the past week.   I didn't sit at my sewing machine once and I miss it.  I did knit.  I have been working on the body builder afghan and have now completed all the part that makes up the body and the weights.  Six more rows till I start the top border.  At this point you will have to wait until after it is delivered for a finish photo.

I also prepared a presentation for work.  It was a workshop for teens, which I'll say went well even though we didn't really have any teens attend.  I had a curated selection of poetry books and prepared materials, but there just weren't any teens in the store during that time period.  Other shoppers did approach and another co-worker (a teen) and I spoke with them about what we were doing.  They were totally on board with it, writing and posting notes with positive messages.  I sent my co-worker home with all the messages we created for her to post around her high school.  I also got to try out one of the 7 year pens that we sell.  It's from Seltzer Goods.  It does write nicely, though I still prefer my fountain pens for writing at home.

In between knitting and planning, I finished reading a few books and managed to post some book reviews.  I have fallen behind on those lately.  Too many work hours during the holiday season which is still continuing.  arg, I want more time at home for stitching.  I also spent some time planning.  at the top, is an afghan I started a few years ago.  At that time I finished all the blocks and then it got packed away as we were having visitors for a few weeks.

I would like to try and join the blocks together by crochet and have pinned a tutorial that looks reasonable.  After that, it needs a few border rows around the outside, which is on the pattern somewhere.

When I reflect back, it was more of a productive week than I had thought.  I should take Kate's suggestion from last weeks comments, and keep an ongoing list of finished for the year.  That way, an easy look will give the information I need and the moral boost at the same time.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful and productive stitchin' week.  Did you write about it on your blog, if so, Mister Linky is waiting below for you to add your link.  Happy stitchin' and I'll see you again next week.

1 comment:

Lin said...

Lovely colours Heather. xx