Tuesday 27 January 2009

Needlework Tuesday

Today I am starting a new feature on my blog, Needlework Tuesday. Each Tuesday I will share with you what I am currently working on, or update you on a continuing project. Quilting and knitting are my main types of activities, but not the only ones. You'll have to come back on Tuesdays and see what I'm up to.

Today I have finished putting my cousin's wedding quilt in the frame. This has truly been a labour of love. I started planning it over 6 years ago, finished the piecing a year and a half ago and the marking last week. At each stage I felt it was more important to do the job that I envisioned in my mind rather than compromise and rush and get it done by the wedding (ok, that was in 2004). This is an original design so I can't refer you to a pattern. The blocks are traditional nautical theme patterns. The mariner's compass in the middle was designed using a method in a published book, which one? I no longer recall. The hand quilting designs are composed of bits and pieces from various books and templates that were re-sized and redrawn to fit the design.

For those interested, the fabrics are 100% cotton, batting is a wool (possibly a blend, I can't recall), it measures approximately 93 inches wide by 104 inches long. I'll be quilting with white thread.

Let me know via the comments if you would like to see regular updates of my progress. Or you can look in the lieft hand column and vote: yes, no. or only show the project again when it's finished.

For the book readers who visit here, I intend to listen to audio books while quilting. The first one will be "People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks. I downloaded this from my library and listened to part of it while I was doing the marking.

1 comment:

Diana LaMarre said...

That quilt is just beautiful. I am sure your cousin won't mind the wait to get a hand-quilted treasure like that.