Friday 16 January 2009

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

My son was reading this for English class, so I got a copy from my library and caught up with him. It was good to have a common book to discuss. The difference in ages did provide for diverging views.
We both agreed that a group of kids could shake off the constraints of civilization rather quickly depending on who became their leaders.
I think that if Piggy had been a more likable fellow, then he'd have been the type of leader that could have kept them 'more civilized'. He was the first to notice and seemed the only to care when the one little kids with the birth mark on his face disappeared after the first fire.
I can truly imagine the youngest ones shedding all remnants of civility in very short order, with no one telling them what to do they would revert to basic instincts: food, sleep and play.
I found this a very good read, though a bit scary when you imagine what lies beneath the surface veneers of society.
Thanks to William Golding for getting me to stop and ponder about the people I surround myself with.


Dorte H said...

Hi Heather.
I think it is a great idea that you (re)read these great classics together with your children!
My daughters are 18 and 22 so we also discuss literature quite often.
I can see you read thrillers. If you are also into real crime fiction, I may find inspiration for Canadian authors here.
(I know a couple who do not write crime fiction. Margaret Lawrence & Margaret Atwood - excellent literature).

John Mutford said...

Classic for sure. I also love the Simpsons spoof.

Heather said...

Can't recall that I have seen the Simpsons version, but the other cartoon "Recess" has some pretty wild kindergartener.