Wednesday 20 March 2013

Tracy of Pen and Paper sent me this award.  I don't usually post them on my blog, but as I've quite a few new followers recently, I thought I accept and, as Tracy requested, tell you 11 things about myself that you probably didn't know.

  1. I earned a Bachelor of Education as a teacher, but only ever taught for 1 week.  Also have a Bachelor of Environmental Studies  with joint honors in Environment Resource Studies and Geography.
  2. I have gone downhill skiing twice and decided it wasn't for me as I ran into one of those giant lift poles.
  3. I was scuba diving in the Caribbean when a school of giant barracuda surrounded me. I was 18. 
  4. I have written a novel, but haven't gone the next step of editing and sending inquiry letters to publishers.
  5. Am lactose intolerant and describe myself as a vegan who eats meat.  Easier than trying to explain "no dairy" to restaurant staff.
  6. I've been to New Zealand three times and still don't think that's enough.
  7. My godson passed away when he was 26, he had major blockages of his heart arteries.  That is why I encourage my readers to have their cholesterol tested.
  8. I ran a half marathon with my sister four years ago.
  9. I volunteer every summer for a full week at a series of running races.  Most of my time is spent preparing food to feed the runners.
  10. I am an idea person, but not so good at implimenting and even worse at finishing.
  11. I have over 3oo print books in my house that I have yet to read.
Thanks for visiting with me today, I hope you feel as though you know me a little bit better.


Kate said...

Only 300 books, well you sould get those finished soon (if people didn't keep writing new books).
I don't think I would have lasted a week, teaching kids.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Good to know a little bit more about you Heather. I know many people such as yourself don't post awards on their blogs but I still like to send them as a mark of my appreciation.

Rikki said...

That was interesting, Heather. Lactose intolerant is something that comes up more and more. A lot of restaurant and coffeeshops here now are prepared for that and offer lactose free products.

Joan said...

Hi congrats on your award , and great facts , just hopped over to petty and guess what .? got an award also

Marie said...

Congratulations on your award!

It's always nice to know more about my online friends.