Tuesday 26 July 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Almost as Good as a Finish

Wow it has been hot out.  The last week, I think that every day was at least 30C and a few were in the 33-34 range.  of course, it was those hottest days that we had booked a campsite.   Yes, we did go and it was hot hot hot.  We figured it would be fine as we were camped along side a lake, we'd be able to swim and soak all day.  Wrong, the lake is closed to swimming due to blue green algae . arg.  There was a small, but clean and cold pool which we did visit and chill in.  It may sound wrong, but i also brought a small fan with us and sat in it's breeze for hours.  Hubby then had it in the tent with him at night.

After arriving home, I was back at the sewing machine.  I was determined to finish all these blocks and get the rows stitched.  It now measures just over 80 x 80 inches.  I used about 3 1/2 metres of white and 1296 - 2 inch coloured squares.  I had pondered adding a couple of inches of border, but when I laid a strip on the bed, it hung over the sides a few inches.  Good enough. Once I get some batting, I'll be ready to quilt.

I have started the colour repeat on my afghan.  I am loving these colours.  All the white stripes are ten rows, the coloured ones vary.  Starting at the bottom, pink 8, beige 4, dark pink 8, light green 6, medium pink 10, and dark green 6. It should probably be long enough by the time I get back to the light pink.

Even with the air conditioning on, I find it warm to be sitting with an afghan on my lap.  Thank goodness for my room fan. I doubt I'll have it finished in time for the baby's birth, but with the temperatures lately, it won't be needed right away.

I hope that if you are experiencing high temperatures in your area, that you are coping and that it's not keeping you from your stitching.  Do you have any special methods you use to deal with the heat?

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

I hope that you are having fun and  making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment.  Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current post.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love your quilt, it's beautiful. Also like your Afghan, love the colors your using. Have a great day!

Roslyn said...

I like the modern look of that quilt does it have a name? I made one similar a couple of years ago maybe more!

Lin said...

It's been up around 30 here too with a couple of 39's last week. However it's not too humid so it's bearable. I stay cool indoors - it does mean lots of extra stitching time! Your blocks look splendid, I love the design and the afghan is looking great too. xx

Dan Kelly said...

The afghan and quilt top are both great! Nicely done. Our home has central air, but between the sewing machine, the lights and the iron, my sewing room can get quite hot! A fan definitely helps.

Jen said...

Your quilt top is amazing! I just love all of those tiny little squares of color.

Kate said...

Good work on the afghan. It does look warm. I am sure it will be appreciated in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

I love your quilt design. Such a great use of tiny scraps. It's great to stay cool sewing inside during the summer heat.