Thursday, 29 January 2009
Devil in Deerskins: My Life with Grey Owl by Anahareo

Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Needlework Tuesday

Today I have finished putting my cousin's wedding quilt in the frame. This has truly been a labour of love. I started planning it over 6 years ago, finished the piecing a year and a half ago and the marking last week. At each stage I felt it was more important to do the job that I envisioned in my mind rather than compromise and rush and get it done by the wedding (ok, that was in 2004). This is an original design so I can't refer you to a pattern. The blocks are traditional nautical theme patterns. The mariner's compass in the middle was designed using a method in a published book, which one? I no longer recall. The hand quilting designs are composed of bits and pieces from various books and templates that were re-sized and redrawn to fit the design.
For those interested, the fabrics are 100% cotton, batting is a wool (possibly a blend, I can't recall), it measures approximately 93 inches wide by 104 inches long. I'll be quilting with white thread.
Let me know via the comments if you would like to see regular updates of my progress. Or you can look in the lieft hand column and vote: yes, no. or only show the project again when it's finished.
For the book readers who visit here, I intend to listen to audio books while quilting. The first one will be "People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks. I downloaded this from my library and listened to part of it while I was doing the marking.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Metal Sky by Jay Caselberg

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
White Jade Tiger by Julie Lawson

Friday, 16 January 2009
The Sweets of Life

Here are a few more pics of the Candy Jar quilt that I was making for my sister in October. I did get it finished in time for her arrival, though I admit that I didn't have the binding all turned to the back and stitched, so sent her home with a needle and thread and instructions. Glad to tell you its on her bed and keeping her warm.
The bunny sitting on top of the shelf is named Barlow, and he has travelled with her for over 20 years. Yes, he's wearing a night shirt and even has bunny slippers (they don't show in the photo). He is leaning against a stack of books. The titles all pertain to aspects of my sister's life as do the various items on the shelves. I did leave some blank spaces that we will fill in the future.
The cowboy boot in the second picture is almost identical to the pair of boots I bought in July when I visited her during the Calgary Stampede.

This was a very fun quilt to make. I did start with a pattern to get the dimensions for making the jars, but then I went wild and did what ever I felt like doing. There is traditional piecing, paper piecing and fusible applique. The Eiffel Tower is a marker drawing.
The quilt fits a twin size bed and the batting is 80cotton20poly by Hobbs.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Saturday, 10 January 2009
With a Vengeance by Dell Shannon
Several murders have occurred in Los Angles where the killer has left a card upon the body which reads "The Vengeance is Just".
Now Mendoza and his team are in a race to determine why and who before he strikes again.
At times reading this book was like opening a time capsule. Imagine no cell phones to reach a detective when he's away from his desk, no computers to do research, having to go to a records room to search through tonnes of paper files, no DNA traces to compare and having to manually compare fingerprints.
Dell Shannon was the pen name of Elizabeth Linington. She also wrote under the names Ann Blaisdell, Lesley Egan, and Egan O'Neill. She was a very prolific author with dozens of books to her credit.
Thanks to Chapters.ca for use of the cover image.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
The Beet Queen by Louise Erdrich

Sunday, 4 January 2009
A Maggot by John Fowles

Set in 1736 in the far south-west of England, 5 travellers retire to an inn for the night. They include the gentleman, Mr. Bartholomew, and his man-servant Dick. The gentleman's uncle, Mr. Brown, and his man-servant Farthing, and Louise, a lady's maid. Very quickly we become suspicious that all is not as it seems.
We meet these characters over the period of one day, 50 pages. Then we skip forward 6 weeks to when Dick's hanged body is found. At this point a lawyer, Mr. Ayscough, takes up the trail of the four missing travellers. While the story has not quite captured my imaginatiion I am curious of how Mr. Fowles is going to spend 400 pages with the lawyer questioning the witnesses. I continue to read.
Recalling books that I've read that were actually written in this period, this novel is true to form. As much as there is story telling, there is a fair bit of political and social commentary. When these passages continued for longer than a paragraph my eyes would glaze over, they would mechanically trace the lines and I would blankly turn pages having no idea what I had read.
While I won't recommend this book to most readers, I can imagine it done up as a very compelling movie with rather dramatic courtroom scenes.
If 18th century British novels are your thing, then you will enjoy this book. Mr. Fowles wrote several other novels before he passed away in 2005.
Friday, 2 January 2009
unshapely things by Mark Del Franco

Connor Grey is a Druid who has lost most of his powers. Thus he finds himself working with Boston Police to solve a series of murders.
This is an interesting twist to most of the Faerie type novels where the magical folks try to keep their existence a secret from the humans. This one embraces the differences and builds upon them.
This book was fun to read. Mr. del Franco has written two more books that continue the adventures and investigations of Connor Grey. Visit his site to read the opening chapter of each novel.
update August 11, 2013:
This series has now grown to six books. Time to search them out and get reading.
Connor Grey Series:
1 unshapely things
2 unquiet dreams
3 unfallen dead
4 unperfect souls
5 uncertain allies
6 undone deeds (2012)