Wednesday 6 April 2011

Sushi Sock winners announced

Thank-you to all who entered my sushi sock contest.  I was so pleased with the response that I added a few extra prizes.  Love that sushi motif.

First prize of the sushi socks is:


Second prize of the sushi drawstring bag is:

Stone Meadow one

Third prize of the handmade sushi postcard  is:


I have sent emails to all three winners.

You still have a few days left to enter the huge contest sponsored by Tundra Books.  Until April 10, 2011  visit my post Scribbling Women by Marthe Jocelyn, and leave a comment.  This gives you one entry for a chance to win 28 books by Marthe Jocelyn.  For further entries, visit the tour headquarters for  a list of other participants.  Visit their blogs and leave a comment for an additional entry.  You can have a total of 31 entries.  There is one grand prize

1 comment:

Martha@Hey, I want to read that said...

Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your wonderful prizes.