Tuesday 17 March 2015

Needlework Tuesday - Merrily Stitching Along

 Sorry I missed you all last week.  I started a new project and was totally carried away with it.  According to my sister, anyone who loves crochet is working on their Sophie's Universe Afghan.  she practically insisted that I start one as well.  After a few weeks of dithering on colours, I decided I would work with whatever I had on hand.  This is a free pattern that has been designed by Dedri at the blog Look At What I Made.   It is complex looking afghan, but she has so fully explained and photographed each step, that so far I have only had to rip it back a few times.  By breaking it down row by row, it is a doable project. This first photo shows Week 1 rows.  There will be twenty weeks of instruction.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you

Sophie's Universe Week 2
This photo shows Sophie's Universe to the end of Week 3. Dedri even tells you in the instructions when to expect the project to ripple and always reassures that it will flatten out once again.  The last round shown was crab stitch, which resulted in some rippling, most of which I flattened for the photo.  In Week 4 we are squaring up the centre medallion.  I have a few of the rows complete, but you'll have to wait for photos.

 I have continued to work on the octagons for my one block quilt.  I'm about half way done.  Hubby keeps sneaking into the room to rearrange them.  He is convinced that he can mathematically determine the best layout for the blocks.  It makes me smile when he gets very serious and starts telling me his theory of how that would work.
I suspect that I am not unusual in have many unfinished projects.  I am a terrific idea person.  Fantastic at starting things, but not so great at getting them finished.  I can't recall when I cut these boxers out, but thankfully they are now finished in time for daughter's birthday tomorrow.  Whether I get the other two pairs completed tonight....

I was thinking last evening that I needed a new carry around knitting project. Not that I don't already have two afghans on the go, oops, make that three, there is one hiding in the basement, oh wait, make that four, there is one in the dining room with all the blocks complete and waiting to be sewn together.  See what I mean, too many unfinished projects.

Do you have an unfinished project that is sitting there and bugging you every day.   I don't have just one, I have several sitting on my dining room table.  If I clear the table, then they'll get put away unfinished and stay that way for goodness knows how long.  After I finish the boxers (that are sitting on that same table) I'm going to pick another off the table and get it done.  Do you have a plan for attacking the UFOs.  Share  it in the comments, you just might help me and my readers complete one of their projects.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.


Kate said...

I picked three UFO's to finish at the beginning of Feb. I had planned to get all three finished in Feb. but I have only managed to finish 2 so far. I figure that isn't bad, though.
Sadly, I have nothing of my own to post this week.

Roslyn said...

Good for you to finish up UFO's they make me too nervous, can't have but one or maybe two!
Some beautiful crochet there today.