Monday 16 May 2016

B is for Burglar - Kinsey Millhone #2 by Sue Grafton

It should have been easy, go to Florida, get the sister to sign the papers then return home and collect a a pay cheque.  of course it didn't turn out that way for Kinsey Millhone, Elaine Boldt was no where to be found.  Like a dog with a bone, she wasn't about to let go of this case until she got to the bottom of it.

I didn't expect to enjoy this mystery as much as I did. Kinsey is growing on me.  She's a hands on kind of gal with a wry sense of humor that appeals to me.  She's tenacious, but knows when to take a step back and let her target reveal himself or herself.

This is only the second book in a long series, though I suspect that at least a few of characters will make repeat appearances.  I rather like Rosie, owner of her favourite diner. I can imagine trying to order a meal there and being told by Rosie that she will bring me what I need to be eating, that I don't get any say.

I listened to the audio book as read by Mary Peiffer, 7 hours 42 minutes unabridged. Ms. Peiffer does a good job of reading both the male and female characters.  She really brings out Kinsey's blunt nature and sets a good pace without rushing.

I look forward to reading more of Kinsey's investigations.

Kinsey Millhone Series:

A is for Alibi

Cover image courtesy Books On Tape

1 comment:

Tami said...

I think this may be the only Sue Grafton book I've read - and it was many, many years ago. I don't really remember the story. You've made me want to give Ms. Malone another try.