Tuesday 6 June 2017

Needlework Tuesday - The Afternoon Edition

I'm a bit slow off the mark today, but I do have pearly white teeth now.  Yes, I had a dentist appointment this morning.  All is well, though I do need to replace a filling and have booked an appointment for that.  I still get anxious about any procedure beyond cleaning, but my dentist and all round cool person prescribes and anti-anxiety med to be taken before hand. It has transformed my dental appointment life.  If you have dental anxiety like I used to, check out my earlier post: An Approach to dealing with Dental Appointment Anxiety.  

 I did have a productive week.  I tried a new approach. I was having trouble staying on one task, so decided I would work with that.  I  wanted to read, I wanted to knit and I wanted to sew. I couldn't chose just one.  I decided to do all three. I rotated through the three and then started again.  I have the latest fittens at the decrease stage and am thrilled with how they are turning out.  The colours shift about 8 stitches each round.  The next pair I make from this yarn is going to be one size larger, which happens to be 8 stitches, and I am curious how they will turn out.  It could be bars of colour from the cast on bottom up to the needles.

 Second project is the t-shirt quilt for non-sewers.  I am planning to write tutorial for this one.  There are lots of runners who ask me about making a t-shirt quilt, but they don't sew and  paying someone to make one for them is quite expensive.  I think this hand technique would work for them.  The project is a surprise so I can't share a better photo.  I am using a large needle and non-dividable pearl cotton .  A roll of masking tape rounds out the supplies.  I want this to be a functional quilt that will get used.  It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, it's all about the message behind the shirts that will be on it.  i am quite excited about how it is turning out.  Can't wait to share it with you.

 And finally, my Canada Day project.  I bought the white back ground fabric and have been collecting the red buttons for a while.   Nope, I'm not sewing them down in a heart shape, and I have no idea if I will use 150 buttons, but they will be individually hand sewn to the base.  Probably with red thread.  I can't wait to get started, especially since Canada Day is not that far away.

With it being Canada's 150 anniversary of confederation, are you doing anything special?  For those not in Canada, what do you like best about our great nation?  Perhaps the image of our Mounties, our maple syrup, or our amazing authors.  Please leave your comments, I am curious to know.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Can't wait to see your T Shirt quilt. I've wanted to make one, but wasn't too sure how to do it. I've been to Canada a couple of times. Really enjoyed seeing all "tourist sites". The people there are so friendly and helpful when you get lost or just looking for something to see. The coast line is beautiful and the trees are awesome, so many trees. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Another tip for those with dental anxiety. If you find your anxiety starts after you've gotten your numbing shot, you should know that adrenaline is mixed with the numbing agent to make it last longer. I have found that the adrenaline seems to trigger an anxiety attack in me, so now I ask the dentist to not use the adrenaline. She may have to give you another shot of the numbing agent partway through the procedure, but I no longer get anxiety attacks in the chair.

And I'm really looking forward to the t shirt quilt tutorial. I have a bunch of theatre t shirts I'd love to do something with!

Marie said...

Yep, those fittens are knitting up beautifully!

I love how those buttons look in the heart shape. How about a maple leaf?

I don't have anything concrete planned yet, but I did order some yarn from my LYS. They were carrying a special yarn collection that represents all of the provinces and territories, 13 in all. Each one of the skeins has been designed with a national park in mind. Not sure what I'm going to make with it yet. I was hoping to come up with something conceptual, like the sky scarf or temperature scarf, but I really don't want to do another scarf. I have my eye on a couple of patterns that will work nicely, so I may use one of those. The yarn hasn't arrived yet, so I still have time to think.

Kate said...

I have a house full of company for Canada Day. The hotels have all been booked for months, so friends and family are coming to stay with us. I'll be the one cooking and cleaning!
Sometimes, rotating tasks is the best way to get them all done.

Lin said...

Looking forward to seeing your button project Heather! I have made some good Canadian blogger friends over the last few years which has been lovely - I would dearly love to visit sometime. xx