Tuesday 27 June 2017

Needlework Tuesday: Progress in Baby Steps

Last week I talked about the small things that held me back in a project.  That got me thinking more about small things.  Often, a project can be overwhelming when I look at it in it's entirety.  There is just so much to do before I get to that finished piece.  Taking advice from my valued readers, I found success with small things.

First, I took Lin, at St. Victor Quilts,  suggestion, and moved the socks from the single double pointed needle onto two sets of needles.  I untangled the four skeins of wool and am now ready to review the pattern and start on the heels.  once the heels are turned, I can move the socks back to the original needle and continue knitting two at a time.  Thanks Lin.

This might not seem like a big step, but when you consider that these socks have been sitting for over six months with no progress, this is a monster step.

 My Canada wall hanging has finally left the starting gate.  I was shopping with daughter for some darning needles that would work with worsted weight yarn, and spied a package of red buttons.  Should be just enough to complete my project in the original size I wanted.  Happy dance in the store aisle.

First step, iron freezer paper to the back of the background fabric.  Next, trace the maple leaf design with a fine pencil.  Then I outlines with a Prang brand red crayon and coloured it in.  I didn't go too dark, since that might interfere with the effect of the buttons.  After colouring, I covered it with paper towel and pressed well with  a hot iron.  You can actually see on the back of the fabric when the crayon has seeped into the fabric.

Next step is to embroider using the stem stitch with red thread all around the outside.  I feel that will give nice definition to the leaf when it it done.  I won't worry about few places I went outside the line; I'll just cover those areas with buttons.

I am pleased with my small bits of progress.  They helped me along when I was stalled.  I employ the same technique when I am stuck in a book.  I'll tell myself that I'll just read one chapter and can then move the book mark ahead a few pages.  It feels so much better knowing that the bookmark is that much closer to the back of the book.  When I think about it, I use that same technique in other areas of my life.  Laundry and housework being of major note.  I am not a fantastic housekeeper, though I do find I can get a lot done if I break it up into small tasks. Seems a lot less overwhelming that way.  I load of laundry here and there, and before I know it, it's all done.

Do you find an area in your life where it works well for you to approach tasks in small bits?

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
I do the same when cleaning the house. I break it up into small tasks instead of doing the whole room. I've never tried it quilting or embroidery. I'll have to give this a go and see what happens. Can't wait to see the finished Canada Quilt. Have a great day!

Lin said...

Glad I could help with the knitting Heather. xx