Monday 14 January 2013

Reading Bingo

Have you fallen into a rut and are reading the same genre of book again and again and the plot lines are looking the same.  Time to shake it up.  Random House has introduced Reading Bingo.  Follow this link, print out the Bingo card and start filling it up. 

I am going to read one book per square, no doubling up.  Hopefully most will come from my overflowing book shelves.  I might have trouble with "A book recommended by your barista" as I rarely purchase specialty coffees, but I'll figure that one out.

The prize is that you should have a fun filled year of reading that leaves you energized and wanting even more variety and excitement in your future reading.

ps, if you happen to be a barista, which book would you recommend?


Regina said...

Greta idea, thanks for the link.

quiltmom anna said...

what a fun idea - sounds like a great way to read a greater variation in reading materials.
Thanks for the idea.
Regards from Western Canada,

Miri said...

Fun idea!
I just noticed that has a listing for Canadian writers under genres. I think I'll check that out for a new reading source instead. :)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

What a unique and fun idea. Better still may I suggest that those stuck in a bookish rut consider a reading group.