Saturday 15 June 2013

Robin in the Hood 2013, Elmira, Ontario

Last weekend, my daughter participated for the first time in the Robin in the Hood Festival in Elmira, Ontario.  She had the role of Lady Milicent and wrote and acted in the "Crime and Punishment" scene.  Little did she know her fate that day.

Daughter and Hubby
Daughter, no I didn't make her costume though I did offer to make her an appropriate dress. 
This one came from the supplies of the event.

Always time to sneak in a few more pages. 
Most of the performers did an amazing job of staying in character for the entire day.

Red Tailed Hawk, part of the Raptor display.  All the birds shown are not suitable for release into the wild.  At a young age they had been accidently imprinted on humans, and now don't view themselves as birds.

For additional information on these, and other birds, visit The Canadian Raptor Conservancy.

Great Horned Owl



Daughters mini play "Crime and Punishment" . Two of the ladies of the realm are teaching us about the laws and how they towns folk are punished if they break them.

Looking up one of the laws along with the criminal
The real jailor who knew nothing about this 'lesson'.

oh oh, daughter has been caught, she has been a bad girl.
Now the punishment part!



Carole said...

What a lot of fun it all looks!

Barb said...

What fun....

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Looks like such fun but you wouldn't find me within a mile of those birds of prey.

Cheryl Coville said...

What an interesting event. Your daughter's dress is beautiful, and those birds!! We sometimes see red tailed hawks around here. Occasionally, they rest on our deck railing. So beautiful! I expect they're pretty deadly hunters, too.

Tami said...

Looks like a blast. Hope your daughter didn't have to suffer for long!

Interesting that the book I'm reading includes a red-tailed hawk, so now I know what they look like. Not sure if we have them here?

Marie said...

I agree with Carole, it looks like a lot of fun. I love your daughter's dress.

By the way, I have both those birds living in my backyard/neighbourhood. They aren't great for the songbirds, but are magnificent nevertheless. They are so fun to watch.