Tuesday 11 November 2014

Needlework Tuesday - Getting Ready for the Cold Winds

No matter how much I want to, I can't hold back the changing weather.  Today, Remembrance Day is sunny are warm and I am enjoying it.  Tomorrow and days after will be all downhill.  Time to get ready for the winter onslaught.  A small project for daughter is on the needles.  This is my first time knitting with alpaca.  It is soft and inviting.  I am using 3 skeins of Kutama from Mirasol.  This is a wonderful company that sources it's wools in Peru and returns a portion of profits to that country to the benefits of the children.  Visit the Mirasol website to learn more of their worthy projects. 

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

 I have enjoyed knitting cables since I first tried them almost 30 years ago.  It still amazes me how I twist and turn stitches and end up with a garment that isn't full of holes but is warm and cuddly.  (the first photo above is more accurate in colour).

The Kutama wool is easy to knit with and is quite sturdy.  I started knitting fingerless mitts and was half way completed one hand when I realised I needed larger needles.  i ripped it out and started again. I finished the first mitt and then wondered why i had 3 skeins instead of the two the pattern called for.  Looking through the pattern book, I saw the pattern for the cowl that used three skeins.  oops, I was making the wrong project.  i ripped out the knitting for the second time and started again.  The wool has stood up to this mis-handling and still looks great.  Mirasol has several weights and blends of wools  available and I will definitely be trying some of them.  I am using the pattern for the"Loreto Cowl" from the book Kutama Book 23 by Jane Ellison.

Have you used any of the wools from the Mirasol Project?  I'd love to see what you've made.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework project.


Marie said...

That cable is awesome!!! Really nice colour, too.

I love cabling, too! It looks so complicated and intricate, but really isn't. It's silly but I'm so proud of myself when I can do a seemingly complicated pattern without looking at the pattern after awhile.

That's funny that you started the wrong project. I'm not sure how you can mix up fingerless mittens and a cowl, but I've probably done a whole lot worse. ;)

I just started using specially yarns/wools in the past few years, so I haven't used too many of them. I love hearing about the different ones and how they perform. I'll have to remember to include that information with my projects on my blog.

Have a great week!

Kate said...

I love knitting with alpaca. It is so soft.