Tuesday 14 July 2015

Needlework Tuesday - Noriko Handbag

 The weather here has been very enticing lately.  It keeps dragging me outdoors.  Can't complain.  However, that has left me with less stitching time.  Not a bad trade off though, all that fresh air, sunscreen and sunshine.

 I did complete a small bag.  It's the "Noriko Bag" from Lazy Girl Designs.  It has one pattern piece and it quite easy to sew.  It did take several reading of the instructions to figure out what they meant,but they do make sense in the end.  I did have to do some re-pressing, but not a big deal.

This first photo shows the bag laying flat for storage.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

 the bag can be used with the sides out.
 You can also tuck the sides in.
When you have something in the bag, it makes for a fun looking bottom.  As per the instructions, I have added a ribbon tassel with large beads.  If I were to make this again, I would use and outer fabric with some metallic on it for a bit of glitter. I splurged on the button and bought a shiny one.  Since I was only buying one, it was affordable.  It's sad to see a project that someone has made, they spend good money on the pattern and fabric and then they skimp and buy a cheap button.  It really lets the project down.  What the heck, buy a two dollar button you're worth it.

I've been following Sharon's Pintangle blog over about a year now.  She does the most beautiful embroidery.  She also hosts Take a Stitch Tuesday where she teaches a one embroidery stitch.  Stitching directions and examples are included.  There is also a new Facebook group :TAST - Take a Stitch Tuesday, where you can talk with others who are following this program.

The program re-starts today, but you can jump in at any point.  This week is Fly Stitch.

Do you embroider?  I first learned when I was young, perhaps at a church group, though I can't quite recall.  I stitched on a pillowcase.  I have added little bits here and there on various items, but want to do more.   I don't have any specific projects in mind at the moment, but all of the bags I have been sewing could all have been embellished by embroidery.

Mister linky is waiting below for your current needlework post or any past embroidery post.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Beautiful bag, love the fabric. I've started a Giant Granny Square Afghan and have linked it back to yours. Hope you don't mind.
Have a great day!

Lin said...

Great bag Heather - I love the fabric. Agree with you entirely about the button. I always find it odd that people spend a lot on fabric and then buy cheap thread! xx

Roslyn said...

The bag is beautiful, love the fabric. I have a collection of all sizes of vintage and antique buttons I like to use on things like this.

Kate said...

Your fabric looks kind of Laurel Burch. It looks fabulous!