Tuesday 28 July 2015

Needlework Tuesday - Preparing a polar bear skin for stuffing

 It's a scorcher here today.  We don't get all that many days where the mercury tops 30C. Today is certainly one of them, we reached at least 32C. This might not seem hot to some who live closer to the equator, but for us more northern people, remember that for a large part of the year, the thermometer doesn't climb over the freezing year.

I have been hiding inside in the air conditioning during the hottest part of the day.  This week I have been working on a polar bear skin.  I know I can't fool my readers, it's a knit pelt.  The pattern is from the book Faux Taxidermy Knits: 15 Wild Animal Knitting Patterns by Louise Walker.  She is a very talented designer.  I first learned about her when i saw photos of the knit wigs that she had made.  They were so life like at first glance. When this book came along, I ordered it immediately.  I really want to make the tiger skin rug even though hubby is not all that keen on having it in our living room.  To view more of Louise's work, click on her name to be taken to her website, or click on this link to her Facebook photo page.

Back to the polar bear.  I am knitting him of a fuzzy yarn.  I need to knit the second skin, then they are sewn together, the head is stuffed and then the paws are lightly stuffed.  It's a coaster.  I'll have a picture in the next week or two.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.
 Even though it's sweltering outside, I realise that knitters are already thinking of scarves, mitts and hats.  If you are looking for a fun and easy scarf, the Amazing Brilliant Zig Zag Scarf from  Lion Brand is worth considering.  You either increase at the end of every row, or you decrease at the end of every row.  Simple.  For a thicker yarn, your maximum row only needs 20 stitches.

All this scarf needs yet are some eyes and a red tongue (not specified in the pattern).  I used Bernat Softee Chunky Twists in colour Tropic Twists.  Too bad this has been discontinued.

 I used the same yarn in a different colour for the rug for daughter.  I found it very easy to knit with.  There are two colours, grey ragg and teal twists still available.  I think either would make a great hoodie. 

I hope that you are having more favourable weather where ever you may be living. Not that I'm complaining. After such a bitter cold winter, warm is welcome.

Mister Linky is waiting below to see what you've been working on currently.


Lin said...

Great work Heather. We have just had 5 weeks of drought and temperatures well over 30 quite a bit of the time. Not my idea of heaven! Anything up to 30 is OK with me. However it was blissful to hear rain falling overnight and well into this morning although we are going to need an awful lot more to put the garden back on track. xx

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
We are have a typical Indiana summer here too. High 80's and a couple days of 90 degrees. Plus the humidity is very high which makes even hotter. There is cold front coming in tonight so hopefully it will cool off. Love the scarf and the rug. Have a great day!

Marie said...

Love the polar bear pelt! What other animals are in the book? In my house, this one would quickly develop a hot chocolate/coffee ring in the middle of it's back. It would be cute to incorporate all of the designs in one project, like an afghan/quilt/blanket.

Love the snake scarf, too! That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. ;)

It's been hot here, too. For the last couple of weeks, we've had lots of high 20s and low 30s, with "feels like" temps in the high 30s and low 40s!!! At least now, it's cooling off at night, so we can open the windows and get some fresh air. I hate complaining about the hot weather, but 40C is ridiculous.