Tuesday 21 July 2015

Needlework Tuesday - Sweet Treats

 I'm still on my bag binge.  This time, I have added zippers.  I used the Little Boxy Pouch Tutorial for these cow inspired bags.  These were so easy.  I followed the instructions for the small one with the pink zipper.  I had some twill left over from a long ago outfit that I made for daughter when she was tiny.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

 Next up was the Small Treat Totes from allpeoplequilt.com.  An easy pattern that is virtually identical to a larger bag that I have made.  The first bag I made using the pattern as written.  That makes for a bag with all the seams hidden within the lining.  I was thinking why do some hand stitching on such a small bag.  Next time, I changed it up.  I pressed open the seam that falls at the top of the bag, and the lower seam, I pressed one side up and one side down to reduce bulk at the side seams.  The instructions do no indicate pressing the seams.

 Then I sewed one side seam and pressed it open.  then sew the next side seam and press it open as well as can be.  Fold the lining down to the outside, press and top stitch around the top.
 Sew across the bottom and then box the corners. Turn to right side.
 I'm still undecided on which version I prefer.  Following the instructions results in a neater bag inside, but then you have to box 4 corners and hand stitch.  My way has no hand stitching and boxing two corners.  I'll make a few more before I decide.

Mister linky is waiting below to see what you've been working on .

1 comment:

Marie said...

Great work, Heather. Love the fabrics. The blue/gold is so pretty especially with those matching gold handles.

I've been dying to make some bags, but while I can cut and sew fabric, my accuracy isn't great. Maybe one day, though. Both of these are soooo cute!