Tuesday 26 January 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Keeping the Mojo going

I don't know about you, but I tend to start the year with the best of intentions and plans for all sorts of accomplishments.  By the time mid or late January rolls around, my mojo starts to wane and I find myself veering wildly off track.  This year I am making a concerted effort to stay the course.

 Last week I showed you the fittens (foot mittens) that I am making this year. I want a basket full to offer to visitors so their toes stay warm.  Pair number two is complete.  This is the large size which comfortably fits womens 8-9.
 The large, in yellow, is one knit-purl repeat larger than the medium, in red. 
Hubby is curious about the fit, thus I have started a pair in his size.

I doubt I'll keep up this pace for the year, but the intent is at least a dozen pairs, so I am off to a good start.

How to keep my needlework mojo.  The very best approach I have found is to share my plans here on my blog.  Once I put it out to the world then I feel obliged to follow-up and show you my progress.  Readers are curious, but they are also forgiving if I slack off.  When that happens, I have my friend Patricia to nudge me along.  Just like the rest of you, she wants to see the finished item.  Oh, thank goodness for my friends, you help me more than you can imagine.

I recall that Sherrie, at Food for Thought, has posted a list of the quilts she is going to finish this year.  I'm not ready to do that, but I will state that I am going to work on my machine quilting.  I have a few dozen quilt tops and plans for such wonderful quilting for them that far exceeds my skill.  Instead of moaning about that, it's time I started working toward my skill goal.  So stick with me, and please encourage me in my pursuit of stitching happiness.

Have you managed to stay on track this year.  Do you have a technique that you follow and are willing to share. Please leave a comment as well as a link to your goal post or your current needlework post.  Mister Linky is waiting below.


Marie said...

I, too, have grand plans at the beginning of the year or season or month. Not just in knitting, but other hobbies/activities, too. I don't have any novel ideas about keeping the mojo going, though. I just do my best and cut myself some slack if I get really behind and start beating myself up.

I like your ideas of posting on the blog or getting friends to gently "nag" you.

Kate said...

I am just trying to do a little everyday, to try and see a bit of progress. I have been marking down what I have done to keep me going.

Roslyn said...

Ah the ubiquitous issue of Un Finished Objects! Some years ago I counted up mine-22 oh horrors!
I committed on the blog to clear them up in one year and by finishing 2 before I could begin a new project. It worked and publishing my intentions was a great way to stay the course.
Love your "Fittens", my feet are always cold and I wear slippers around the house, never bare foot.