Tuesday 31 January 2017

Needlework Tuesday - Ruffles and Frills

Each time I see someone wearing one of these ruffle scarves it makes me smile.  I find that even the black and white ones are bright and cheerful.

Last night, I sat in front of the television and finished the black one that had been languishing for the past year, and started and completed the pink/purple one.  They are just that easy and sweet.

Quite a while back, I attended a tent sale at the Spinrite Factory outlet in Listowel and purchased two dozen or so balls of this style of yarn.  They don't have a brand band on them, but a special sale band, so I can't tell you what type they are.  I choose by colour as opposed to anything else.  They are going to make wonderful gifts.

One thing I do that any instructions I've seen for them doesn't say, is that I sew the end closed with needle and regular thread.  I would hate for a scarf to start to unravel for the sake of a few stitches.

 I'm really happy with the progress I made on the blue quilt this week.  First of all the binding.  When I pulled out the fabric for this, I found that instead of being a piece that went from selvage to selvage, it was long and skinny down the length of the selvage.  If I cut the binding that way, it would have no give at all.  Not good.  I decided to cut it along the bias, that always has a nice give, which I find helps keep the edge of your quilt flat.
 The first two photos show that I have pre-marked the fabric with a pen showing cutting lines 2 1/4 inches apart.  That is the width I like for binding.
 I then pinned the sides together matching the drawn line so I can cut in a spiral.
 starting to cut.  It is all cut and pressed and ready to be applied to the quilt.
I was hesitant to start on the border, but with the new white marking pen in hand and a roll of white freezer paper, I started in.  I figured that six inches would be a good size for the motif.  I cut a strip of freeze paper and marked the shape, then cut a couple of the arcs along one side.  I used this a template for marking.  I did have to shift and stretch the design a bit to fit, but it worked out nice as you can see.  Next step it a variation of this design for the sashing.

I've had a few new visitors leaving comments this year.  I am thrilled that you share my love for needlework and hope that you'll add a link to your current needlework post when you wish to share.  This week I had a lovely catchup message from a blogger I used to visit with all the time.  I am so glad that she is back online and doing well.

While I realize that it is unlikely that I will meet many of the wonderful people with whom I have such lovely virtual visits, I do enjoy our time together and the encouragement we so freely pass to each other.  Happy Stitching.

ps. Did you read my review of the book If the Magic Fits: 100 Dresses #1  by Susan Maupin Schmid.  It is an enchanting middle school story that I loved and can't stop recommending. With a castle, princess, 100 dresses and magic, what's not to love about it.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you. I hope that you are having fun and making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment. 

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework


Kate said...

You are zipping along with the blue quilt. It is going to look lovely.

Marie said...

I like those scarves, too! I've already made a number of them and wear them occasionally, but still have quite a few...more like too many...balls left. I was hoping to find a pattern that makes something other than a scarf, but so far no luck.

It's always nice to see your progress on your quilting. Can't wait to see the finished piece.