Tuesday 10 January 2017

Needlework Tuesday - Too much Procrastinating

There is far too much procrastinating happening at my place and I do believe that it all belongs to me.  I've been putting off writing this morning's post as I hardly have any progress to share with you.

I did some stitching on the shawl I showed you last week, but not as much as I'd hoped considering I'm not doing any other stitching.  According to the pattern I'm at the 1/4 point or so.

So what is it that is holding me back.  Each time I clear off the dining room table, where I do my sewing, I vow that I won't let it get so over burdened with supplies and unfinished projects.  It always does, it's just a matter of time.  I want to break that trend and keep it clear, just the project at hand.  This time it took me a week to clear off, putting things away in a logical place, but in the end it all just got piled on the bed in the guest room.  oops, no guest could even enter the room now let alone sleep on the bed.

Yes, there are new supplies for projects not yet begun that had to be stowed away, but the majority were projects in progress.  That's where I need to focus this year.  I must finish them or at least make an attempt.  To facilitate that approach to 2017, I even stacked them in a somewhat doable order.  The simplest being a stuffed cat that needs new stuffing. simple right, so how is it that it's been waiting so long for that to be done. arg.  It's at the top of the pile.   Once I put away the china that is sitting clean on the table, then I can fix that wee cat, no sewing machine required, and send it off to the nephew who adores cats. It will feel terrific to make one completion check mark.  Then the sewing machine and stitching on that lovely blue quilt.

Step by step, I'll get back in the new groove (remember, I don't want to get back in that old messy unfinished one).  I hope that you are having a more productive and enjoyable experience with your stitching in 2017.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you. I hope that you are having fun and making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment. 

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework


Lin said...

So far so good here! Your knitting looks gorgeous. Good luck with keeping that table clear. xx

Kate said...

Good luck. Try not to let exciting new projects distract you from your goals. Get that kitty finished.

Marie said...

Lovely shawl, Heather. It's going to be gorgeous when it's done.

My craft area and supplies have overwhelmed me more than once in the past. I'm trying to keep everything under control, but it's a losing battle. Sounds like you've got off to a good start. If you concentrate on one at a time, I'm sure you'll get many of them finished. Good luck!!

As for finishing projects, I've been pretty good lately. I've started new ones and finished them quite quickly. That's not to say I don't have a bunch of UFOs sitting around. They are just buried where I can't see them, so they aren't stressing me out right now.

Have a great week.

Tami said...

I finally got all my projects-in-progress neatly stored and tucked away - but now I forget about them and nothing EVER happens. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten them quite so far out of sight.