Monday, 28 December 2009
The Child Thief by Brom

True Blue by David Baldacci

Sunday, 20 December 2009
Magazine: shameless: for girls who get it

First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays - Crazy Dave by Basil Johnston

Basil Johnston's Uncle David was born around 1920 with Down's Syndrome. According to the book, he might have been the first member living at the Cape Croker reserve with this condition. No one knew for sure what David understood and what his capacity for learning was. His brothers taught him certain life skills including wood chopping. While his family had limited understanding of what he would try to convey to them, others on the reserve didn't.
His mother Rosa spent her life caring for her youngest son. she was always worried with how he would cope, how others on the reserve would treat him, and what would happen to him when she passed away.
Because he was different, David wasn't always treated well. The Priest and the Indian Agent wanted him sent away, yet they didn't attempt to meet and understand David. He was condemned on the basis of assumption and ignorance.
It's unfortunate that peoples and populations around the world are still treated in this same manner. If they are different, then they must be bad/sick/criminal/contagious/etc.
I hadn't intended to read this whole book. I thought I would skim it and include a brief review, but once I started reading and got past the first 50 or so pages I found that I couldn't put it down. I had to read more and learn about David and his family. I laughed when David was trying to lead the mother skunk and her kits to his house and I cried when he was mistaken for a Japanese soldier. I didn't want the story to end, I want to learn more about David and his too short life. Thank-you to Basil Johnston for sharing the story not only of his Uncle but of his family and his reserve.
If you want to learn more about this book, visit 'Rambles: a cultural arts magazine'
I have also reviewed The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway by Basil Johnston
By Canoe & Moccasin: Some Native Place Names of the Great Lakes by Basil H. Johnston
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Recipe Thursday - Rhubarb Apple Crisp

Anne Lindsay's 'Lighthearted Everyday Cooking' has been one of my favourite cookbooks for years. I can't recall if I bought it or if my mother gave it to me after my dad had his heart attack and she had to change her cooking style. Either way, its been a great addition to my kitchen.
You can play with the choice of fruits in this dessert. I think it tasted even better the next day when I had it for breakfast. The tartness of the rhubarb had mingled better with the sweetness of the apples.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Needlework Tuesday - Finishings

The first was a wall hanging. Its 29 3/4 inches square. I attended a year long series of applique classes and made a heart of each technique. They range from fused and stitched, to hand applique. Around each heart I inked in the technique employed. You can just notice it on the second picture of the ruched heart. It is hand quilted.
I have attached a label and completed the documentation sheet and even photographed it. Now its waiting to February to move to hubby's office.

The second project I finished last evening. I needed to darn in some yarn ends and sew on the 31 tassels to the pictured shawl. I am so thrilled with how it turned out. It will be put to go use this winter that's for sure.
I suspect that there are few other almost finished projects lingering around the house. I vow to finish them as I find them. I'll continue to post my results.
The challenge to you is still open till next Monday. I wrote about it last Tuesday and few readers have commented that they are working on much larger projects that will take ages to finish. Post a comment if you have a project that has been sitting and it only requires and hour or two to finish.
I am almost finished that green scarf that I showed you last week. Will have the pic for you next Tuesday.
Over at 'Tropical Screamer' Darilyn has posted a pic of block C-4 from her version of 'Dear Jane' Quilt. She hand pieced this one.
Friday, 11 December 2009
By Canoe & Moccasin: Some Native Place Names of the Great Lakes by Basil H. Johnston

I borrowed this 1986 book from my local library and I am surprised to find that it appears to be in pristine condition. It is such an interesting book. Through a number of stories about the Manitou Nanabush, we learn the history of many names for locations near the Great Lakes.
Chicago - from Zhigaug - meaning either 'place of the skunk' or 'the wild leek'
Winnipeg - from Weenipeegosheeng - meaning the murky watered lake
Manitoba - meaning the abode of the manitou between two lakes
I have previously review 'The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway'
For a list of books by Mr. Johnston visit the Native American Authors Project
McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario has an interesting article in their Historical Perspectives on Canadian Publishing
If you are interested in purchasing one of Basil Johnston's book, visit the 'Whetung Ojibwa Crafts and Art Gallery'. After browsing Mr. Johnston's works, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link to the main gallery page. Well worth browsing the other featured artists.
I am currently reading 'Uncle Dave', which is a story of Basil's Uncle Dave who was born with Down's Syndrome. In this book he has compared the way his uncle was treated with how the white population treated the Indians. I have only read the first two chapters, though they have left me wanting to read more. I hope to have it finished by next Friday.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

I found both the copies shown at my local library. The first is a 1950 version from Charles Scribner's Sons. This is the one that my husband and I both chose to read. He also compared a number of pages between both books and found they were the same.
You could read this book very quickly and lightly and decide that its an enchanting story of a flying boy who is in need of a mother. He finds a girl sitting at her open nursery window and convinces her and her brothers to return to Neverland with him. Oh how sweet.
You could read a little deeper and find that all is not so bright an cheery. Peter can be very ruthless. When the children are first flying to Neverland, its a very long flight and occasionally John, Michael and Wendy would fall asleep and then they would drop toward the ocean. Peter would wait till the very last moment to save them.
Peter seems to like to have others around so he can boast to them, but I question whether he cares about them. This quote from page 68 says 'no'.
"The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out;"
By saying 'thins them out' I suspect that means 'kills them'. There is more killing. In the final battle, in order to keep secret that he has boarded Hook's ship, Peter kills the quarter master Ed Teynte and then refers to the body as carrion. Teynte hadn't attacked him. Peter doesn't exhibit 'good form' when he sneakily kills Hook by kicking him overboard when he is standing on the bulwark instead of engaging him in a fair sword battle.
There is one passage near the end of the book where Peter has returned to Wendy after she has been home with her family for a year. She is looking forward to talking about old times, including Captain Hook.
" 'Who is Captian Hook?' he asked with interest when she spoke of the arch enemy.
'Don't you remember,' she asked, amazed, 'how you killed him and saved all our lives?'
'I forget them after I kill them,' he replied carelessly. "
Having been raised on Walt Disney versions of this story I didn't know about this blood thirsty side of Peter Pan. Interesting. I will be looking for an even earlier edition of this book to read and check for changes in the text.
One question did come to mind regarding Princess Tiger Lily. I had to wonder whether she was fashioned after Mohawk author/poet Pauline Johnson? She had toured England a number of times before Mr. Barrie penned this book. I wonder if perhaps he had viewed one of her orations where she was garbed in her 'Indian' dress and he was inspired to include her as a character?

Other Peter Pan inspired books that I have reviewed:
Peter Pan: A step up Classic by J.M. Barrie adapted by Cathy East Dubowski
Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barrie and Ridley Pearson
Recipe Thursday

I have lately been amused by the reports of people hoarding boxes of 'Eggo' waffles due to the shortage that is expected to last into mid 2010. After eating the waffles from this recipe, you'll never want to eat freezer type waffles again.
Marion Cunningham's Raised Waffles
1/2 cup warm water
1 teaspoon sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons dry yeast
2 cups warm milk , not hot or you kill the yeast
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
The Night Before
In a large mixing bowl (at least 3 quarts in capacity) combine the warm water (110F), sugar, and yeast. Stir and let stand 10 to 20 minutes to proof. If the yeast is active, it will produce many bubbles.
Add the milk, butter, salt, and flour and beat until smooth and blended. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let stand overnight at room temperature. The batter will rise from 4 cups to 12 cups and then collapse.
The Next Morning
Preheat the waffle iron until it is hot enough to sizzle a drop of water.
Beat in the eggs. Add the baking soda and stir until well mixed. The batter will be very thin.
Pour the batter onto the center of the waffle iron, using a light hand because the batter will spread when the lid id lowered.
Enjoy immensely.

Darilyn over at 'Tropical Screamer' has posted a recipe for quick Chicken Quesadillas.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Finish it Challenge

In the photo you might be able to see where most of the binding has been stitched down, with the exception of about 17 inches. Why did I stop at this point? I haven't the slightest idea. It has sat for at least 2 years with this tiny bit of stitching to be done.

Needlework Tuesday

I found another pattern in a book I bought a million years ago, 'Knitting Encyclopedia 1500 Patterns by Pingouin'. It's a terrific little book that I use every so often. I made 9 repeats of the pattern across the block and 8 repeats in the length. I am much happier with my choice. Two more colours to stitch up.
It has taken a bit of conscious effort to keep up to date with this project, but definitely worth it. I want to get it finished in a timely fashion and this process is really helping.

I started a new project this week. Its a scarf (how many of those have I stitched this year?). It's from the 'East + West' pattern book by Mission Falls.
Don't you just love that luscious green wool. It's for a friend in Australia. She lives in the Melbourne area where they had those destructive fires last year. Everything was blackened and she seemed so sad. This will be her own little patch of grass.
I have to stitch 12 repeats of the diamonds. This wool feels so nice in my hands that I want to make the sweater that also uses these motifs. But that one I would have to keep.
I have made one other project from this book and find their instructions very good. I had a problem with the graph and sent them an email and later that night I had a response that answered my questions. Good company to deal with.
Back to that other project from this book. I never finished it. arg. Later today I am going to post a stitching challenge that you are invited to join. You'll like this one. I'll tell you about the project and maybe add a photo. Yes, I am going to embarrass myself. Please come back and read all about it.
Darilyn over at Tropical Screamer has posted a new block for her Sampler Quilt.
Anya over at Hills Creek Quilter has finished 9 additional blocks for her version of the Dear Jane Quilt.
Monday, 7 December 2009
The Bride Thief by Jacquie D'Alessandro

The book is set in 1820's England. The main character, Samantha Briggeham is being forced into a marriage that she doesn't want. During a walk home from her fiance's, she is abducted by a man claiming to be 'The Bride Thief' who offers to save her from having to marry a man not of her choosing.
This was a new plot to me and it sounded interesting so I read on. I enjoyed the story, it had enough twists and turns to keep my interest and I was curious how the author would manage to bring these two together.
What I mainly get from reading a romance in lessons in how not to communicate. Most issues in this type of book result from the characters not being open with each other and this novel was no different.
Author Jacquie D'Alessandro has quite a number of titles to her credit so it's possible that I'll come across another of her books and would willing read it.
Friday, 4 December 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays - Pendleton Blankets

Thursday, 3 December 2009
Recipe Thursday

Today's selection I tend to use only at Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. My family now expects that I make certain dishes.
'The Canadian Living Christmas Book' has been one of my faves since its publication in 1993. It is filled with wonderful food as well as lovely scenic, snow filled photos.
Recipes cover every aspect of Holiday feeding: fruit cakes, cookies and candies, gifts from the kitchen, casual dining, entertaining and the main feast. My favourite recipes include Sweet Potato and Carrot Crisp and Make-ahead Mashed Potato Casserole. Unfortunately this book is no longer available for purchase, though you might find it at a used book store. You can find new Christmas books by Canadian Living on the Chapters.ca website.

Update: December 4 2009 - I think that I was mistaken and the dress was made by Alfred Sung as possibly a Flower Girl Dress.
The book is filled with more gorgeous photos and recipes for family celebrations through out the year as well as decorating hints and such. I don't have a specific recipe I use from this book, but I do get it out every so often to enjoy the cover picture.

My aunt gave me the 'Crisco Cookies for a Year of Celebrations' a few years ago. I have no idea if I have ever used it, but that's not the point. When I was young and my aunt didn't have kids, I used to go to her house and bake cookies with her. She loved to bake and always thought it was more fun with kids around. She now had two kids and six grandchildren and she still loved to make cookies and her family famous cheesecake. If you would like to try some of the luscious looking recipes from Crisco, please visit their website.

This is my latest addition to the collection. 'Company's Coming Holiday Entertaining'. This one is from the 17th printing in 2004, so it's a popular one. It is currently not available, though there are several other Christmas Cookbooks available from Company's Coming at this time. There is also a section of their website where you can print recipes to try before buying. I don't have a favourite from this book, but every time I open it, I am surprised by the pink pages. This is not specifically a Christmas Cookbook, rather holidays in general.
It has the full range of ideas from a Breakfast Pizza accompanied by Cafe au Lait, to a full Halloween feast with Witches Brew, Bat Wings, Scarecrows on Sticks, Tiny Cauldrons etc.
I hope that you have enjoyed visiting my Christmas Cookbook Shelf.
Next week I am looking forward to sharing waffles with you, and believe me they are much better than those ones you buy in the freezer section of your grocery store.
Be sure to visit Darilyn over at Tropical Screamer for her Chicken Curry with Jasmine Rice recipe.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Brother Odd by Dean Koontz

Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Needlework Tuesday

I did better on my knitting. I finished all the blocks from the second 'clue' on the Bernat Knit Along, and two of the three for the third pattern. I really like these diamonds. So far the three patterns have only used knit and purl stitches.
I plan to have more to show you next week.
Be sure to visit Darilyn over at 'Tropical Screamer', she has joined me this week in a Needlework update.
Thanks for coming by to visit.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Pink Ice by Susanna Carr

I spied this book on the clearance rack of my local store a while back. The audacity of a bright pink cover attracted me and had me wondering if it would be a bunch of fluff or would there be a story somewhere between the covers.
I was pleasantly surprised. There were several stories all linked together.
Lindsay, Sabrina and Nicole are sisters and they get carried away at an auction and spend a fortune to purchase a pair of 5 carat each pink diamond earrings that had belonged to musician Lia Dash. They are each hoping that wearing the diamonds will change their luck in life and in love. The next three short stories feature one of the sisters when it's her turn to wear the earrings for a month. In the final story, the sisters step out of the limelight and a forth woman appears, but you'll have to read to find out her involvement.
Yes, this is erotica, a bit more explicit than in a romance, but maybe not as much as you might expect.
This book is listed on Susanna Carr's website as a romance. She has also written a number termed 'erotica' under the pen name of Jenesi Ash (from Pokemon fame). You can see her complete catalogue at her website.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Don't Look Down by David Laing Dawson

First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays artist Marion Tuu'luq

I was looking for an author to feature today and instead came up this wonderful textile artist. Marion Tuu'luq, Inuit 1910-2002. She was born at Back River north west of Baker Lake, Nunavut Territory Canada.
I was struck by her choice of images and the wonderful use of colour. She tried a number of medium including beads, drawing and making large scale wool wall hangings.
I have included a number of links to both biographies, articles and images of some of her work.
An information page from an exhibit in 2004 at the MacDonald Stewart Art Centre in Guelph, Ontario
A brief biography and bibliography of writings about Marion Tuu'luq from the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative, Concordia University
An article from Nunatsiaq Online, Iqaluit Newspaper
Two Serigraph Prints of drawings by Marion Tuu'luq on display at Spirit Wrestler Gallery Vancouver, British Columbia . Thanks to Eric at the Gallery for correcting my impression that these were fabric wall hangings.
To learn about the process of making a Serigraph visit Knottywood Treasures.
A google search of images by Marion Tuu'luq
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month
I did it. It's finished. I submitted and the count came back official. I win.
I did my happy dance and now life can continue.
Thanks to all the wonderful words of support you have sent me. It really did help.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Needlework Tuesday
She has been involved in a round robin with four friends. She has just received her quilt top from the previous quilter . I'll paste in the description from my book. Hopefully I have described it clearly and you'll have the correct image in your mind.
My central barn block had been embellished with scattered embroidered flowers and a few birds roosting on the barn roof. There was a spider web across the vent above the main door. Yumika had added the first round. She had fused and then stitched a chicken, rooster, a clutch of colourful eggs, a pig, sheep, a cow and a white rabbit. For fun she also added a fox on the prowl. Unlike the rest of the round, the chicken and the eggs had been made of silk from a kimono from her grandmother. Yumika had added a note explaining that she couldn’t get the story of silk quilt at Castle Kilbride out of her mind and she wanted to commemorate that into my round robin. The background fabric for these blocks were various brown batiks. For corner stones she had pieced ‘Hole in the Barn Door’ blocks, which are essentially the same as the ‘Shoe Fly’ block that had been added to Yumika’s quilt top. She wouldn’t have known at the time she worked on my quilt.
My quilt top then travelled to Mady in Australia. She sent a note saying that she wanted to replicate the fields of crops that surround every farm. For that purpose she had chosen the roman Stripe block. This block is divided into two from corner to corner. One triangle is a plain colour fabric, in this case various shades of green such as you might find in a farmer’s fields, and the other side is stripes that run along the diagonal. These narrow strips were in the colours of the various crops such as red for tomatoes, gold for the various grains, yellow for corn, purple for eggplants etc. These were then oriented in a star pattern surrounding Yumika’s blocks. For the corner stones she had decided to continue with the Hole in the Barn Door blocks, though using the same colours that she had used in her other blocks.
Once my quilt top arrived in Russia it was Anya’s turn to add a round. She diversified the crops on my farm to include fruit. On three sides she fused and then stitched grapes, various coloured apples and pears, oranges, clusters of cherries, and peaches. As a background to the fruits she had used fabrics that looked like wild flowers. Across the top she added hour glass blocks made of different sky blue shades of batik fabrics. Following the lead of both Yumika and Mady, she had continued with the Hole in the Barn Door corner stones. The ones in the top corners were made from blues, while the ones at the bottom corners were the wild flower fabric for the backgrounds and reds for the balance of the blocks.
I was really getting to enjoy those corner stones. They were all structurally the same, yet colours and the styles of fabric were widely varied.
That brought me to Vashene’s round and she had taken her inspiration from Jane Steckle. Since all farms had fences she chose that feature for the final round. Jane’s block H-13 Farm Fields looked like a section of a fence. Jane had pieced a plain diagonal cross on a print background. Vashene re-sized to five and a half inches and made twenty-four of them, eight each for the two sides and the bottom. They were set together with a half inch sashing between. She used white for the cross and all over floral print for the background. Across the top she adapted another Dear Jane block G-6 Papa’s star. She appliquéd the five point stars on sky coloured background setting them at various angles. In the centre of each star she had hand embroidered smaller stars in gold thread. For the four corner stones she had repeated the Hole in the barn door in colours keeping with the fence and the stars.
I did a bit more knitting on the Bernat Knit along. I now have 2 blocks from the second pattern completed. The 3rd block is posted on the Bernat blog.
I did take my son fabric shopping. He is taking a fashion class in high school and he needs to sew a second project that is more difficult than his first. He has chosen a button up shirt with a pocket and collar. He selected the brightest batik in primary colours they had in the store. I told him to remember to save me all the scraps for a future quilt. Never thought I would be asking my son for quilt fabric.
Hope to get to my sewing machine in the next week. I am feeling that need to create.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
NaNoWriMo Home Stretch
I was going to let my main male character die of old age, but he firmly told me that he was going to be murdered in the next chapter. I had no choice as I had been setting him up from the point where he was introduced. Then his wife sprung a twist on me and got pregnant. oh my, I had not planned these things.
When did these people come to life?
I have made a few notes on loose ends that I need to tie up and one zinger that needs to be unleashed and then I'll be done. Wow.
A few more days and then its back to whatever normal is around here. Maybe I'll even read another book.
Stay tuned for my notice of complete and final word count.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Peter Pan: A Step-up Classic by J.M. Barrie adapted by Cathy East Dubowski

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Needlework Tuesday

Yes, I really need to know all these plus I had to start looking up quilt blocks so I could design a virtual quilt to represent the trip on that railway by my characters. I will have to re-install my Electric Quilt and work up that design. I continually amaze myself at how much time I can spend doing odd little things. I should mention that I also spent hours flipping back and forth in my Dear Jane book selecting the perfect blocks to discuss in my novel. Of course my main character has to be a quilter and just like me she is sewing her version of the quilt in orange fabric. This week she pieced the two blocks shown here. Since a number of my characters are immigrating to Australia, I got wondering about the difference blocks Jane Stickle might have pieced had she been been Australian. Read my post titled "Dear Jane and Australia" and leave me a comment.
The first Block shown is H-7 Bennington Star. I got that fabric from my daughter and thought it fit perfectly. I missed on a couple of the star points, but I'm not going to sweat it. I was in need of some blocks with lighter orange fabrics.

Oops, I did make a slight mistake. The white cross in the middle should have been from the print fabric and the triangles around it should be white. I don't know if I'll redo this one. I rather like it.

I had better get back to my novel as I am in the middle of describing a traditional Russian dinner circa 1904 and I am getting hungry and thirsty for the tea in the silver samovar.
The Amanda Project: Book 1 Invisible I by Stella Lennon & Melissa Kantor

Callie Leary has exactly one thing, and one thing only, in common with Nia Rivera and Hal Bennett: They were each chosen by Amanda to be her guide. When Amanda arrived at Endeavor High, she told Callie she moves around a lot and always picks one person to help her navigate the choppy waters of a new school. Why did Amanda lie?
Following a course that they suspect Amanda deliberately plotted, Callie, Nia, and Hal piece together some cryptic clues. But they find more questions than answers and quickly realize that before they can figure out what happened to Amanda—the girl who changed their lives—they'll need to solve the most important mystery of all: Who is Amanda Valentino?
Monday, 16 November 2009
Unbound by Kim Harrison, Melissa, Jeaniene, Vicki Pettersson, Jocelynn Drake

My favourite of the grouping was 'Ley Line Drifter' by Kim Harrison. It is set in Cincinnati at a time when the remaining human population lives in an uneasy peace with numerous 'other' beings. Jenks is a pixy who has the unusual job of a private investigator.
This was a take on pixy's that I had not experienced previously. in fact, I don't think I had even considered pixys as main characters before. I don't know why as this was a totally convincing portrayal. I loved this character and was sad when the story ended. I still want to read more of his exploits.
The creepiest story in the book is 'Reckoning' by Jeaniene Frost.
Bones is a vampire but also a bounty hunter and he is on the prowl for Delphine and Louis LaLauries who have been dismembering and eating people for two hundred in New Orleans. Bones is also a vampire with a conscience and great looks to boot. Yes, I definitely want more of him.
Dark Matters by Vicki Pettersson is the story of 2 superheros, one on the side of light and the other dark. They meet and the hormones fly. Good vs bad, love vs hate, with a illicit romance tangled within.
This story didn't really work for me, I never was much of a superhero fan.
The Dead, the Damned, and the Forgotten by Jocelynn Drake is the story of Mira, the Keeper of the Domain of Savannah. It's her job to police the behaviour of the 'nightwalkers' living in her territory. All hell erupts one night and Mira has to straighten it out before she is recalled to the 'Coven' to explain. That's one thing she definitely doesn't want to do. I loved the characters of Mira and her assistant/enforcer Knox. They work well together, very well indeed.
The final entry is by Melissa Marr titled 'Two Lines'. This story introduced me to a mythical being called a Glaistig, which is a female who has murdered and had sex within the same month. At issue in this story is Eavan, who has done neither and doesn't want to change, she likes being human. But, she is treading a very thin line and her grandmother Nyx is doing what she can to tip the balance. I was surprised that I didn't enjoy this story very much. I loved her earlier book 'Wicked Lovely', I guess I was expecting more faery stories.
If you enjoy mythic characters and strong moral characters, then you'll love this book. If you don't like vampires, well maybe not for you. As for age appropriateness, I am not letting my 13 year old daughter read this yet. She loves Vampire stories, but there is sex and violence, so she will have to wait.
Thanks to HarperCollins for sending me this book to review.
Also reviewed at:
Books & other Thoughts
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Dear Jane and Australia
As some of you are aware, I have joined NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I have included the piecing of my version of the Dear Jane quilt in my plot. Well, as it turns out, the search for my missing Russian has led me , or should I say my main character`s search, to Australia. Thus I wanted to write about a block from the quilt that reminded me of those stars.
here`s the passage from my novel:

My question is, what block would you chose from the `Dear Jane`` quilt to represent the Southern Cross constellation
Karen has just finished her version of 'Dear Jane'. Select this link and you can see the corner block that I think could depict the Southern Cross constellation. You need to scroll down a little to the first picture.
Check out Anya's progress on her version of 'Dear Jane'
Friday, 13 November 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays Tekahionwake E. Pauline Johnson

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
The Cure: The Blood Tapestry by Susan Phelan

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper