Tuesday 26 April 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Seeing blue - blue blocks that is

 Multiple projects at one time. That sure is me.  I have several quilts going, several books and fingers in a few figurative pies.

I finished up the blue blocks that I started last week.  That jumble of blue turned into eleven stripey blocks.  They will be added to the other coloured blocks I pieced previously.  I still have to make the yellows and reds blocks. I am planning a 5x7 block arrangement, nothing fancy.  Hopefully another member of my bee will take on the task of quilting, or we'll knot this one. Then it will be donated some where.
I've been sharing bits and pieces of this quilt. I have now followed all the monthly steps and received the final instructions last night.  It was to challenge me to add my own final boarder(s).  arg. now to decide what to do. Since it is 40x44 inches and I don't want a wall hanging, it needs to be bigger. Probably six inches on each side.  I'm thinking to add another of the light green boarders all around and then something pieced.  Suggestions would be most appreciated.  I have small amounts of all the other fabrics and a few I have larger amounts of a few prints and solids.  I have no problem adding new fabrics that are in keeping with what I have already used.  I do need to have at least the top finished by the beginning of June for my next guild meeting where we'll be showing them off.

 Now for something different.  I don't often work with panels, ok, except for the turtle a few weeks ago.  My cousin's son is ill and needs a pick me up.  Minions are such fun and age appropriate.  I backed it with a lovely minky type backing.  I was a bit leery of the backing shifting while quilting until Roslyn, of the blog  Ros-the-Quilter, suggested that I use the 505 basting spray.  Wow, that stuff works great.  I hadn't tried it before, though I will be using it again.  Thanks Roslyn.

I did lots of quilting as I know this will have to be washed frequently.  I've learned that the hospitals require the children's blankies be washed or changed almost daily due to germs.  He is doing well in his treatments and is mostly an out-patient now, but should this  wear out in the wash, I'll happily volunteer to make another.
There were some large areas with out lines to quilt, and I didn't want to leave them plain.  I added squiggly hair for this fellow and some shaping lines to his body, otherwise I followed the printed lines changing colours as appropriate.

 Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Thanks for visiting with me today and I welcome your boarder suggestions for the floral centre quilt.  Mister linky is waiting below.


The little book of Nessie said...

you are going well with all your projects. Lovely colours you are using. Regards, Nessie

Marie said...

Those blue blocks are gorgeous!!! Looking forward to seeing them incorporated with the other coloured blocks. Great job!!

As for suggestions on borders for your other very pretty quilt, I'm afraid I'm hopeless when it comes to that sort of thing. I like your ideas of repeating the light green and adding a pieced border, though.

I'm not a minion fan, but that panel is so cute! I think it would pick up anyone's spirits. Nice job on that, too.

Lin said...

I adore blue so I love your blue blocks. xx

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Sorry I missed Needlework Tuesday. I've been sick with the Flu and haven't got much needlework done. Love all your quilts, they are beautiful. As for the one you asked for suggestions. You may think I'm crazy, but think a red floral print would really set the quilt off. And maybe a lavender Have a great day!