Tuesday 5 April 2016

Needlework Tuesday - What the heck am I making?

 My sewing area is littered with bits and pieces of projects, both those I am part way through and those yet to be started.  I vowed at the beginning of the year that I was going to clear up some of this long laying detritus.

I picked up one of those un-started projects last week and have been stitching away.  It's not my usual type of project, but I like the floral fabric, so what the heck.  I figured I'd give it a go.  I am well on the way and it's rather cute.

So what am I making, that's the question, leave a comment with your guess. If any one actually gets it correct, they win a prize, if no one is correct, then I'll select a winner from all the comments. Us your imagination and be detailed.

For the past few years the members of my local guild have made blocks for our outgoing president.  Since our current president offered to serve and extra term, she already received her blocks.  This year, when asked what she wanted, she asked for 4 1/2 inch blocks to help with the setting.  I made four simple ones using batiks as requested.  It's rather fun thing to do for the president.  She gets a gift of thirty of so blocks and can put them together a she desires and then she has a lovely keepsake of her year as our guild president.

Daughter's socks are now complete.  I finished the second sock this morning.  I can't try them on as she has much smaller feet than me.  You'll have to wait till next week for a photo of her wearing them.  They are my first pair of toe up socks.  I enjoyed the process though I'm not sure about the heel yet.  It was done in garter stitch with short rows.  The top is again garter stitch with a icord edge. 

There is a third sock pattern in this Craftsy class, though it's going to wait for a while as I want to kit another project first, a small shawl.    The supplies for it are sitting in my sewing area and it just needs to be done.  One way or the other, I am going to get to the surface of the table.  I sew in my dining room and haven't seen the table top in a few years. Each time I clear it off, I insist that I'm never going to let it accumulate such a mess again, but then I slide and the stack grows ever taller.  eeks.  If only I would finish things and learn to put away the left overs....

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Remember to leave a comment with your best guess as to what I am sewing with that lovely floral fabric.  The prize will be chosen specially for the winner and will probably be made by me, though it might be something from Book Depository.  I'll let you know next week.

update: I approved the first comment with a guess, and then decided to remove it so you won't know what any one else is guessing. sorry Audrey.



Unknown said...
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Kate said...

I hope you publish everyone's guesses, next week. I think you are making a lovely floral gardening hat. Because despite the snow falling here, I have hope spring will arrive.

Kate said...

There are lots of toe up sock patterns, with a number of different heels. If you like toe up, try some other heel patterns, until you find the one you like. I did a toe up sock with a flap heel. It was very interesting, and I would do it again.

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love those socks, they look so warm and conformable. Also love those little blocks, so pretty and colorful. As for your mystery project, wild guess here, it's going to be a basket. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Have a great day!

Heidi said...

How fun! It looks to me like a turtle pincushion!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Happy colours! Well done with the socks! I have knitted any socks yet, too daunting for me.
