Tuesday 27 September 2016

Needlework Tuesday - To Join a Guild or Not

I have belonged to my local quilt guild since it's inception 15 or so years ago.  They are mostly residents of a small town and fairly conservative. Not a problem, but it is a challenge at times.  I do my best to shake them up and get them to stretch by trying something new.  Regardless of that, I do enjoy the friendship and sharing.  They are kind and generous people and I enjoy the time I spend with them.

Every meeting we have show and tell which involves story telling about the item being displayed.  That is an added chance to learn about my fellow quilters and for them to share what they learned while working on that particular project.

One good thing is that they stay true to use being a quilt guild.  Many years ago, I belonged to a smocking guild.  It was a great learning opportunity, but after a year or two, they changed and started doing all sorts of other crafts and no more smocking.  Not what I wanted, I left.

I am wondering if any of my readers belong to in person guilds for their stitching? or other artistic endeavours?

 I did have time to do some knitting this week.  I have started the colour repeat in the rainbowish yarn.  Due to the stitch arrangement, the repeats in the two colours of yarn don't match up.  I think that adds to the appearance.  The first time the yellow shows up, the contrast is a grey-green and the second time its a deep blue.

As I go along, I am minding less that it is curling in.  Now to see how long it will get.

I also spent some time doing some machine quilting.  This is a photo of the back so you can see the stitching. I played with the contrast so it would show a bit better.  Yes, you guessed, it's the castle I was working on early in the summer.  I'm happy with how it's turning out.  I'd like to get it finished so it can go to it's new home.  It would look better on my young friend's bed than on my sewing table.

Please leave a comment telling me about your experiences in an artistic guild.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

I hope that you are having fun and  making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment.  Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework post.



Mary Ann Tate said...

I've never belonged to an in person group just online groups. I've looked around my neighbourhood but so far I haven't been able to find a group with similiar interests. I think it's because the demographics on the area have changed so much in the last 10 years. I don;t even have a local fabric shop anymore. There used to be three within walking distance.

Lin said...

Belonging to a group is something I miss over here. There were four of us like minded people who got together for a couple of years but people move on and the group folded. I meet once a month with friends but they are all learning from me which does not give me a huge creative stimulus although it does keep me on my toes! I love your knotting - the subtle changes are gorgeous. xx

Roslyn said...

I finally rejoined a guild this year, hadn't been to one in many years. This one os definitely quilting, so I am pleased about that.
Still loving your rainbow crazy scarf, Heather!