Monday 31 July 2017

Beyond the Doors by David Neilsen

In this fun, yet edgy story, author David Neilsen has greatly expanded upon the mystery of what might lurk beyond an un-opened door.

The four young Rothbaum children are homeless after their father is left comatose due to a drastic house fire.  Luckily, at the last minute, a previously unknown aunt, the sister of their long last mother, is located and they're taken to live with her in her  strange castle.

Not that they had any expectations, but living with Aunt Gladys couldn't have been further from what they could have expected.  First off, her house had no doors.  Wait, let me clarify, she had lots of doors, but not a single one was attached in a doorway, they were lying in stacks in the various rooms.  What could their mysterious aunt be doing with them.

I totally enjoyed this story.  At times it had me laughing, particularly with regard to the inept social worker, and at other times I was on the edge of my seat worried with what the children might find behind the next door they opened. Loved the fun names. Why give a character and easy to say name when you can weigh her down with something like Miss Guacaladilla (the earlier mentioned social worker). 

Middle school readers will be entertained by the siblings adventures beyond each door.  Like many siblings, they don't always agree and don't want to obey the eldest, but they do look out for each other and try to keep them safe.  This tale definitely has some creepy characters  and a fair share of scary moments.  It would be best to read with your room door firmly closed and with  a spare door knob tucked in your pocket.

Also by David Neilsen:

Dr. Fell and the playground of DOOM

Guest post by author David Neilsen

I received and advanced reader copy of this book from Penguin Random House in exchange for an honest review.


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