Tuesday 1 August 2017

Needlework Tuesday: Needlework Leisure or Time Crunch Project

For the most part, I like to take my time when stitching on a needlework project.  Sure, there are times when I am in a rush and need the items right away.  Usually for a gift or to enter in a show.  Most of the time I am content to take weeks, even months to finish an item.

I know people who power through project after project.  They churn them out like there is no tomorrow.  I couldn't spend eight hours a day working on one project just to say I got it completed in a weekend.  Yes, I have completed quilt tops in a few days, usually when I am taking a class.  I did do a custom quilt for my sister in five weeks as it had to be finished before she arrived on a short notice vacation.  I don't like being rushed.  I like to take my time and actually enjoy when I am doing.  I also like to feel as though I got my values worth for the amount I paid for the supplies.  Yarn can easily cost over $100.00 for a medium size project and over $200.00 for a lap quilt.  Why would I want to rush through those projects.  I want to take the time to feel and savour the materials, to know what I am working with, to care about the placement of the stitches.  If I just want to have a blanket by the end of the weekend, why not buy it.

At this point, I have spent over a month of my maple leaf.  I have enjoyed attaching each and every of the 237 buttons and counting.  I know that I have spent the time to individually place each button and securely stitch them down.  When I am finished, I will be thrilled with it and not have to guess if perhaps I should have done something different because I have taken the time to ensure that I did it the way I wanted the first time.  It is much like cooking.  You can purchase pre-made food and stick it in the microwave for a minute or so and then eat something that will sustain your body. Or you can take the time to find a recipe, purchase fresh, whole some ingredients and then take the time to cook a wonderful meal.  Both end up with a full stomach, but one leads to a more total contentment and satisfaction.

For me, I'd rather take the time and make the project in my way and in my time frame and end up with something I love.  I'm not in a race with anyone.  I don't begrudge the time spent on a multitude of tiny steps.  It's the entire process that I enjoy, not just saying it's finished.  When you don't see a lot of progress on Needlework Tuesday, know it's because I am taking my time and enjoying my projects.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you. Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love your Maple Leaf, how many buttons are you putting on the leaf? I'm the same way when working on a project. I like to go slow and enjoy the process. But I'm terrible about putting a quilt together when the top is done. I have about 15 or 20 tops but can't seem to get motivated to put them together. Have a great day!