Saturday 5 August 2017

The Reason You're Alive by Matthew Quick

As I was reading the opening chapters of this book, I thought I'd made a mistake and selected the wrong book.  I couldn't  identify with David Granger, the main character and wasn't comfortable with his colourful language.  I had pondered abandoning the book but recalling how much I had enjoyed one of his previous novels, I decided to read at least a few more chapters.

With each passing chapter, David's abrasive cover was chipped away and I began to meet the proud Vietnam vet who thrived below.  I was soon hanging on every word of this man I had thought I couldn't like.  There was so much more to him than first appearances could convey.  His frank way of talking and his colourful choice of words combined for a refreshing character.

By the time I reached the mid-point of the book, I could not put it down.  I had to learn how he would resolve his greatest regret.  At time, I did have to stop reading to wipe away copious tears. Some how, a man I didn't think I could understand made me care about him.

An excellent story.  It brought me face to face with a time, and soldiers I had only seen portrayed in movies.

Also by Matthew Quick

Forgive me, Leonard Peacock

Cover image courtesy Harper Collins Canada.



Mystica said...

Sounds good.

Carole said...

Heather, thanks for this review - this book is in my line up to read and I will now at least try to give it a go. Cheers from Carole's Chatter