Tuesday 22 August 2017

Needlework Tuesday - I just had to buy that yarn

I missed you all last week. Between my full week of volunteering (50+ hours) and four shifts at work, I was exhausted and couldn't put two words together for a post.  Happily, I'm back today with a few updates and a shared compulsion.

The hot mat I was working on is finished.  I really like how it turned out.  It is thick and will cushion what ever dish it holds quite well.  It's pretty as a bonus.  The only thing it lacks is a punch of colour.
That was easily changed with a round of Reverse Single Crochet, or Crab Stitch.  It added the bit of colour that was needed.

I did manage a bit of knitting time, but not while volunteering.  I did take my knitting with me several days, but there was no significant down time for stitching. Usually there was only 5 minutes here and there, and since I was working with food, it would require hand washing in bleach water, which didn't really go with textiles.

These fittens are ready for decreases and will be done, probably tonight.

One day last week, while I was out purchasing supplies for volunteering, I had to wander through the craft department.  This new ball of yarn just jumped into my hands. I was forced to buy it.  the colours are lovely and I know my niece will love the fittens I am going to make for her.   I'd like to say that this compulsion is rare for me, but I would prefer to be honest.  Some days, it is hard to ignore that perfect item and it demands to come home with me.  Fortunately, most of time it's a small item under ten dollars.  A half metre of fabric, a package of buttons, and in this case a ball of yarn.  Books are the other area that I have trouble with.  They seem to flock to me and demand to be purchased and read.  oh dear me, what is a person to do.  Well, I could leave them in the store and hope that someone else will purchase them, but heck no, I take pity and give them a home at my house.   I will read them, I will knit them and I will sew them up, eventually.

Do you have one supply/item that you have a weakness for , and I'm not talking chocolates, (that's an entirely different topic)?  Go ahead and share in the comments.  I am ever so curious.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

 Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.


Lin said...

I like your hot mat Heather and that new ball of yarn looks yummy. xx

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love your Hot Mats.....so pretty. I have several supply/items I have a weakness for. Yarn, Embroidery Floss, Fabric and of course Books. I even go to rummage sales and find all the items. I'm a sucker for a sale. Love that pretty yarn that "jumped" into your hand. Have a great day!