Tuesday 23 August 2011

Needlework Tuesday - A study in Contrasts

Needlework Tuesday is open to all readers looking for inspiration, encouragement or who want to share their recent needlework project.. Introduce yourself in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your current post.

 Aren't these colours just scrumptious!  They remind me of fruity sorbets.  Actually they are the wool for a new shawl.  My sister bought me the kit from Knit Picks for my birthday.  What a sweetheart.
 I fell in love with the Season's Shawl as soon as I saw it in their catalog.  Am looking forward to spending some happy time with my needles this winter.  I haven't done anything in lace weight wool before, but hey, I have been crocheting doilies, I know I can do this.
While she was placing the order, my sister knew I had been looking at this book in a local store, so she took a chance and ordered a copy from Knit Picks.   I just love all the variety in here, lots to read and learn.

Crochet Master Class: Lessons and Projects from Today's Top Crocheters by Jean Leinhauser and Rita Weiss.
I've started a new doily.  I know I haven't shown you the finished second pink one, but I still need to pin it out and steam it to set the stitches.  Hopefully next week.

I selected Red Roundup by Elizabeth Hiddleson from Magic Crochet 47.   I found this nice blog post about Elizabeth at Bella Crochet.
Rounds 1-7
So far so good.

Round 8 is the start of all those spider legs.
Round 9, I have started the edging of some of the legs, near the top of the photo.
This row takes a lot of counting and ripping, I'm sure I'll get better at it by the time I make all the way around.

Last week was busy.  Lots of appointments in order to get son ready to leave for his first year of college.  He's off to study to become a professional photographer.  Wow, never thought that would be his interest, but he definitely has a passion for picture taking.  My sister is kind to have him live with her family again, he lived their for a year of high school, and he is now settling back in with her.  Does this mean that one less child at home will give me more time for stitching? I rather doubt it, but I am willing to go with that belief for the moment, but will keep my fingers crossed.

I hope that you have found a bit of time for your own stitching.  Be sure to leave a comment and link and I'll add your update to this post.

Rikki did a post last week about the socks that she is crocheting.  Great wool that she has selected, can't wait for the photos. Visit her at Rikki's Teleidoscope.


Dorte H said...

I can see why you are happy to get those books. The doilies on the second one are wonderful!

Rikki said...

I love the color combo. That is going to be fun to do on cold winter days.

I did a post last week, but not today... http://www.rikkidonovan.com/index.php/2011/08/16/needlework-tuesday-socks-and-necklaces/

Felicity Grace Terry said...

As you say such wonderful colours, especially that yellow.

Tea said...

The yarn or thread is so pretty. Luv the colors.