Wednesday 3 August 2011

Pretty Little Things by Jilliane Hoffman

The state of Florida deals with many thousands of runaways every year.  How does law enforcement decide which ones merit the most indepth search, particularly when one child in the family has previously runaway and returned in short order.

When thirteen year old Elaine (Lainey) Emerson didn't return home, her parents at first thought she was with a friend and that she'd be back the next day.    When her mother reported her missing, it didn't seem that the police were going to make much effort to follow-up, that is, until Agent Bobby Dees took on the case.  Due to his own personal history, he just couldn't take the chance that this was a simple case of a run away.  Something about the case nagged at him.

This book creeped me out the whole way through.  I could just tell that something bad was going to happen.  Perhaps that's my mother's intuition.    At the same time, I couldn't put this book down.  I had to find out what happened with Lainey and why Dees  refused to let go of this case.

This is one of those books that I find hard to talk about as almost anything I say will give away bits of the plot.  I can tell you that I loved the character of Bobby Dees and how he responded to missing Lainey.  Yes, he questioned whether it was a case of teenage angst, or was there some deeper dispair with her or within her family.  The dedication to his job was clearly evident.

I will gladly read further books by Jilliane Hoffman even if they have me turning on all the lights in the house when reading late at night.
Jilliane Hoffman website


Dorte H said...

Sounds good, and a very interesting question you begin with. Right now I am writing about missing children (in the 1960s), and while the police jump to the conclusion that the son of the single mother ran off from home, they take it much more seriously when his friend from the ´proper´ home disappears.

Anonymous said...

not sure this is one for me but got feeling it is one for my wife maybe she like true life movies and books and this thou fiction feels a bit like that ,all the best stu