Tuesday 18 February 2014

Needlework Tuesday - Hooking like Crazy ... Crochet hook that is

Work on the Red Heart Checkerboard Textures Throw is progressing.  I have two of the ten granny squares complete.  I don't think I have made a granny square in 30 years.  I like the little twist that the designer employed about turning the block after every row.  It emphasises the square line in every other round.  This colour is called Banana Berry.  All the granny squares will be made with this.
Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Work on my sister's afghan is proceeding at a good pace.  I have almost finished the four long rows.  7 more pattern repeats to finish row four.  Then I have 18 squares to make and finally, sew it all together.  Actually, I am going to get started on the sewing as soon as I finish these last repeats so it's not all left for the end.  That is my least favourite part of the process.  I really need a friend who lives nearby, who doesn't knit or crochet, but likes to stitch things together.  I'd be so happy.
One of my long time friends, Kathy,  was visiting on Sunday.  it was a great catch up visit as we've lived quite a distance apart for the past several years.  During that time, she's started designing knitting patterns.  One is for a most unique scarf that she titled The Knitters Code.  You can make this scarf as long or as short as you desire, or add to it at any time.  What determines it's length, is your experience as a knitter.  Each technique you try, you get to add a technique square , each garment you knit, depending on technique, you get to add another square in a per-determined colour.  For example, if you have knit the brioche stitch, then you add a square of brioche in beige,  if you knit a cabled hat then you add a red square with cables, and if you knits mitts with ribbing, then you add a pink ribbed square.  You can bind off at the completion of each square so you can wear your scarf.  After earning another square, you pick up stitches at one end and knit your new square.  As one knitter said, it's like earning merit badges. 
I was with Kathy at a knitting show, and every few feet, she was stopped by a fellow knitter to ask about her unique scarf.  Makes me want to have my own.  Next I need to purchase some yarn, decide which squares I have already earned and am eligible to knit right away.  Later I'll work at learning some more techniques and earn a few more squares.  Kathy will join with me in the spring for a guest post/ q&a and if you're lucky, she'll offer a copy of her pattern for a random  drawing.
The Knitter's Code pattern, all 41 pages,  is available for a very reasonable price at Ravelry.
Have you been putting your Olympic watching time to good use by getting some stitching done at the same time?  Visit Mr. Linky below and add a link to your recent post showing your Medal watching projects.

1 comment:

Tami said...

The "merit badge" scarf is a great idea. I'm going to have to figure out how to adapt the concept into other crafts. Hmmm......

Your granny squares are great, also. I love the variation of colors.

Sorry - I didn't post this week because all I worked on were those #(%&# mini-quilts, and no one wants to see them again till their done. :)