As some of you know I am sick with the H1N1 virus and not really feeling myself. I turned on the news to get my noon time fix and instead they are showing live the lighting of the Olympic torch prior to the start of longest domestic torch relay.
It's always a surprise of what the ceremonies will include and today was no exception. I didn't realize that there are 4 Host First Nations: the Squamish, Lil' Wat, Musqueam, and Tsleil-Wauthuth and Metis and Inuit.
There will be 12 Aboriginal Youth Flame Attendants. These young people will be charged with caring for the flame and its back-up for the duration of the relay to ensure that it does not go out and that all flame vessels are in good, safe working condition.
I found several websites with videos and photos that will follow the route of the Torch Relay.
VANCOUVER 2010 Official Website
CTV News Canada
Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Can you read when you have H1N1 in the house?
So far I am having to say 'no' to this question. Notice though that its small letters, that means I am getting to pick up my book occasionally, but no great progress. Perhaps its the choice of books. Maybe I need an amazing thriller, or a ravishing bodice ripper???
My daughter is the ill one at the moment. It rather stopped her for a few days, but yesterday she started perking up and was even thinking of going to school today. Alas, its 11am and she's still asleep. She did have enough energy yesterday to make some entries on her blog and complete and model a crafty project. You can help her feel better by visiting her blog Illusion-esk and leaving her a get well comment. She also loves Vampire books, so if you have a suggestion appropriate to a barely teen, that would be great. She intends to wear this shirt when she goes back to school.

I am now feeling the effects of this bug and figure I'll be spending the next few days recovering. I have lots of tissue, boxes of favourite tea, and tons of books at hand. I am currently reading 'The Dark is Rising' by Susan Cooper, and when that's done will move onto 'Unbound' by Kim Harrison, Melissa Marr, Jeaniene Frost, Vicki Pettersson and Jocelynn Drake.
My daughter is the ill one at the moment. It rather stopped her for a few days, but yesterday she started perking up and was even thinking of going to school today. Alas, its 11am and she's still asleep. She did have enough energy yesterday to make some entries on her blog and complete and model a crafty project. You can help her feel better by visiting her blog Illusion-esk and leaving her a get well comment. She also loves Vampire books, so if you have a suggestion appropriate to a barely teen, that would be great. She intends to wear this shirt when she goes back to school.

I am now feeling the effects of this bug and figure I'll be spending the next few days recovering. I have lots of tissue, boxes of favourite tea, and tons of books at hand. I am currently reading 'The Dark is Rising' by Susan Cooper, and when that's done will move onto 'Unbound' by Kim Harrison, Melissa Marr, Jeaniene Frost, Vicki Pettersson and Jocelynn Drake.
If you need a refresher on the symptons of H1N1, please check this Government of Canada link: Key Facts on H1N1 Flu Virus
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Needlework Tuesday

This block is C-3 Rayelle's Fence. At first it looks kind of complicated, but then I realized that its really a 9 patch whose sub-units are 4 patches and fence rails. Didn't have anything small enough to fussy cut for the centre as that piece was only cut 2 inches. The strips were all 1 1/4 inches as were the squares.
View Tropical Screamer's version also in orange.

I was so excited to finish this Cardinal block. All the tiny holly berries are stitched on. They measure about 11mm. Quite tiny. There are 18 of them. Three leaves are not stitched down, as they overlap the neighbouring blocks. Will have to work on one of these neighbouring blocks next. Check back next week to see which.

I was browsing some of my favourite sites yesterday and came across a pic of my mother. She attended a workshop featuring a quilt teacher from Ireland. The special part is that my mother had been trading fabric postcards with the instructor via an online postcard group. I don't have a

Update on Wednesday, October 28. Linda kindly sent along the file with two pictures which I have now posted.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about note taking… Do you take notes while reading – either for your reviews or for yourself? How/where do you make these notes (on the page, post-its, scrap paper, notebooks etc)?
Once I started blogging I found that I needed to make notes of characters, locations and quotes I particularly enjoyed. I have 3 or 4 notebooks that I use as I often have several books on the go. If inspiration strikes I have to write it down or risk forgetting it when its time to write my review. Much more freeing than trying to remember all those streams of thought. I don't have anything special, they are those various student notebooks that you get on sale, usually in the fall. Some are left overs from the kids, I just tear out the two or three pages they actually use.
I also make other notes about authors I want to try and titles of their books. New words go in their own special little hard cover journal.
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.
Friday, 23 October 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays: Ghandl

Ghandl 1851-1920
Was a member of the Haida, of a village known as Qayahl Llaanas (The Sea Lion People). The Haida live in the area of the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia. Ghandl was blinded as a young man and thus was no longer able to hunt. Fortunate for us, he became know for his story telling. I have read translations of two of his stories, 'In his Father's Village, Someone Was Just About to go Out Hunting Birds' and 'The Sea Lion Hunter'.
A selection from 'In his Father's Village' where the hunter finds a woman to become his wife:
There were two women bathing in a lake.
Something lay there on the shore.
Two goose skins were thrown over it.
Under their tails were patches of white.
After watching for a while,
he swooped in.
He sat on the two skins.
The women asked to have them back.
He asked the better-looking one to marry him.
The other one replied.
'Don't marry my younger sister.
I am smarter. Marry me.'
'No, I will marry your younger sister,'
And she said that she accepted him, they say.
'Well then! Marry my younger sister.
You caught us bathing in a lake
that belongs to our father.
Now give me my skin.'
He gave it back.
She slipped it on while she was swimming in the lake.
A goose swam in the lake then,
and then she started calling.
And then she flew, they say,
though leaving her younger sister
sickened her heart.
quoted from:An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English edited by Daniel David Moses & Terry Goldie. Oxford University Press 2005
A brief biography by Robert Bringhurst of Ghandl and translated text of "The Sea Lion Hunter"
For further information on the Haida, visit the Council of the Haida Nation website
Map of the Queen Charlotte Islands
A selective Bibliography of the Haida is available at the Canadian Museum of Civilization Library.
Thanks to Amazon for the cover photo of 'Nine Visits to the Mythworld'.
February by Lisa Moore
A storm is coming...
It's Valentines Day 1982 and a storm is coming into Newfoundland off the Atlantic right into the face of the Ocean Ranger Oil Platform. All should have been well, however a string of unfortunate events led to its collapse and sinking with lose off all 84 men aboard. Left to mourn them were their wives, families and the entire community.
This is the fictional story of one wife, Helen and her four children: John 9, Cathy 8, Lulu 7, and Gabrielle (not yet born).
Helen essentially stopped living that day. Yes, she went through the motions of everyday life, but she didn't participate with a full heart. She did for her children what was expected and ensured that they had what they needed. She started a business to support her family, but she, herself didn't get on with the art of living.
Her son John also seems to be stuck. He was the eldest of the children and had the most memories of life with his father. When we meet John in the present time he has been confronted with his own mortality, a woman he spent time with has told him with her pregnancy. Another storm in his life that he must deal with or risk sinking. I think it is this event that grabs Helen and forces her back into life.
The whole book presented a very emotional story, I spent at least half my reading time with a tissue to my eyes mopping up tears. The most touching moment for me was when Helen and her sister Louise were coming back from identifying her husband Cal's body and they had stopped the car in front of her house. Helen was frozen with grief in the car and couldn't get out. Traffic was building up behind them, when the man in the following car stomps up to them, very annoyed. When he hears that Helen is one of the widows, he gently helps her from the car and into her house. (yes, the tears are running down my face as I relate this moment).
I loved this book and highly recommend it to all readers, specially those who remember the day these events actually occurred. I remember starting University the following fall, and my husband-to-be's engineering class chose the Ocean Ranger as their term case study, designing safe escape methods/equipment for Oil platforms.
Thanks to Deanna at 'My Tragic Right Hip' for her review of this book which inspired me to pick it up.
This is my 5th book for the Canadian Book Challenge 2009/2010

It's Valentines Day 1982 and a storm is coming into Newfoundland off the Atlantic right into the face of the Ocean Ranger Oil Platform. All should have been well, however a string of unfortunate events led to its collapse and sinking with lose off all 84 men aboard. Left to mourn them were their wives, families and the entire community.
This is the fictional story of one wife, Helen and her four children: John 9, Cathy 8, Lulu 7, and Gabrielle (not yet born).
Helen essentially stopped living that day. Yes, she went through the motions of everyday life, but she didn't participate with a full heart. She did for her children what was expected and ensured that they had what they needed. She started a business to support her family, but she, herself didn't get on with the art of living.
Her son John also seems to be stuck. He was the eldest of the children and had the most memories of life with his father. When we meet John in the present time he has been confronted with his own mortality, a woman he spent time with has told him with her pregnancy. Another storm in his life that he must deal with or risk sinking. I think it is this event that grabs Helen and forces her back into life.
The whole book presented a very emotional story, I spent at least half my reading time with a tissue to my eyes mopping up tears. The most touching moment for me was when Helen and her sister Louise were coming back from identifying her husband Cal's body and they had stopped the car in front of her house. Helen was frozen with grief in the car and couldn't get out. Traffic was building up behind them, when the man in the following car stomps up to them, very annoyed. When he hears that Helen is one of the widows, he gently helps her from the car and into her house. (yes, the tears are running down my face as I relate this moment).
I loved this book and highly recommend it to all readers, specially those who remember the day these events actually occurred. I remember starting University the following fall, and my husband-to-be's engineering class chose the Ocean Ranger as their term case study, designing safe escape methods/equipment for Oil platforms.
Thanks to Deanna at 'My Tragic Right Hip' for her review of this book which inspired me to pick it up.
This is my 5th book for the Canadian Book Challenge 2009/2010
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Needlework Tuesday

The first picture shows L-7 Town Square. Quite an appropriate title in my opinion. The centre motif was straight forward. I used full orange squares and stitched a line corner to corner and flipped it back and pressed. I did trim away the underlying layers. View Tropical Screamer's Version.

L-4 St. George's Cross, was a bit more fussy. Those white strips were cut 1 inch and I sewed them to that neat almost orange fabric. I then trimmed them down to size before assembly in 9 patch fashion.

K-3 Seven Sisters. All the pieces were cut 1 inch strips or squares. Rather fiddly but it did work out well. The final outer border of white I cut wider and then trimmed to size. Just a note, after final pressing I put a square ruler over the block and let it cool completely. Once it has cooled it relaxes to proper size. It is only then that I trim. Never trim while warm. The pressing may stretch the fabric a bit, but once it is cool it will have contracted back to proper size. (this is my experience, if you don't agree with me, that's fine).

H-10 Ben's Bowtie. Nice looking block. I did all the triangle bits over sized and then trimmed to the correct measure. The size turned out almost perfect. Again, a 9 patch with a 4 patch in the middle. Yippee. View Tropical Screamer's Version.

I didn't really knit this week, rather I finished ends. This scarf was knit a few months ago but all the ends were waiting to be worked it. I couldn't procrastinate any longer, I needed to clear off that table so I could dust. It is made with two yarns from This is called Series 011b/219. I used 3 balls of the pink and 1 ball of the beige/brown. Little bits of a different type were used for the stripes between the colours. This is a 100% wool.
I didn't pay much attention to my pattern once I got going, so when I reached the end I forgot that I wanted the squared off end and knit to a point. oops. The left side is squared off and the right is pointed. oh well, not getting changed now.
I did start working on the bird quilt again. I am getting the tiny holly berries ready to applique on the holly leaves that I started months ago. The berries are approximately 11mm across. Too tiny but they will look good, so I will preserver. Pictures next Tuesday.
back to my stitching and reading.
Friday, 16 October 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays: George Copway, Kahgegagahbowh
George Copway, Kahgegagahbowh (He Who Stands Forever' 1818-1869
His autobiography 'The Life, History, and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, 1847' is reputed to be the first book written in English by a Native Canadian. An except of this is included in 'An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English' by Daniel David Moses and Terry Goldie.
While the excerpt is several pages in length, it gave me a feeling for Mr. Copway. His passage about his birth in a temporary shelter with evergreen boughs for a roof, is most appealing. For him, having been born out in the midst of nature was more meaningful that if he had been born in a marble palace. He also tells about being raised in a traditional manner, out in the woods with the trees and animals.
"I was taught that it was the gift of the many spirits to be a good hunter and warrior"
He clearly indicted that he loved this traditional life and that he pondered his place within it and the place of his people. He says that he didn't find an answer until the Priests came and taught him about 'God'. They opened up the written word to him.
It is obvious that he was greatly influenced by the Priests and all that they taught him and that it greatly shaped the man he became.
I enjoyed reading this passage, particularly when he was talking of the history of his family. Where they lived on Rice Lake, near Cobourg, Ontario.
Mr. Copway also wrote several other volumes:
The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibwa Nation (1850)
Running Sketches of Men and Places in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Scotland (1851)
edited weekly Copway's American Indian (1851)
Biography of George Copway
A more complete list of George Copways writings
His autobiography 'The Life, History, and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, 1847' is reputed to be the first book written in English by a Native Canadian. An except of this is included in 'An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English' by Daniel David Moses and Terry Goldie.
While the excerpt is several pages in length, it gave me a feeling for Mr. Copway. His passage about his birth in a temporary shelter with evergreen boughs for a roof, is most appealing. For him, having been born out in the midst of nature was more meaningful that if he had been born in a marble palace. He also tells about being raised in a traditional manner, out in the woods with the trees and animals.
"I was taught that it was the gift of the many spirits to be a good hunter and warrior"
He clearly indicted that he loved this traditional life and that he pondered his place within it and the place of his people. He says that he didn't find an answer until the Priests came and taught him about 'God'. They opened up the written word to him.
It is obvious that he was greatly influenced by the Priests and all that they taught him and that it greatly shaped the man he became.
I enjoyed reading this passage, particularly when he was talking of the history of his family. Where they lived on Rice Lake, near Cobourg, Ontario.
Mr. Copway also wrote several other volumes:
The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibwa Nation (1850)
Running Sketches of Men and Places in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Scotland (1851)
edited weekly Copway's American Indian (1851)
Biography of George Copway
A more complete list of George Copways writings
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit by Mercedes Lackey

A few weeks ago I was asked by Penguin Books if I would like to review 'Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit' by Mercedes Lackey. I was jumping out of my chair and saying 'yes, yes, yes, bring it on'.

OK, so I did hug this book a few times since it's arrival and have stroked the cover, but I'm not being obsessive or anything. I just happen to like this genre, a lot.
This is a most different version of Gwen. Ms. Lackey posits that there are actually three Queens married to Arthur (at different times) who are all named Gwenhwyfar. Each is very different from the other and all have varying reasons for marrying him. The author presented this in such a way that it was quite believable. Co-incidence or magic, I have no way of knowing though names go through periods of popularity, so why not.
There was just enough 'magic' to imbue the book with its other worldly feeling. A field of mist, a slight shift of the eye and I could imagine Gwyn ap Nudd, King of the Folk of Annwn appearing at my shoulder and whispering mystic secrets for mine and Gwen's ears alone.
This was a wonderful telling of the story of Gwenhwyfar from her own perspective. A warrior Queen suitable for the High King of Britain. She decided early in her life that she wanted to be a warrior and she sought the training and strove to succeed even though others wanted her to follow another path. Not only did she succeed but she had me cheering for her.
By the end of the book, with tears pouring down my cheeks, I was still rooting for her to make another choice that would be her own and not what others wanted her to do.
I will be keeping this book in the safe company of the other pictured books. Perhaps my daughter will develop a passion for King Arthur and his Companions. If you like stories based on Arthurian Legend, I have no doubt you'll love this version.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Needlework Tuesday

I did get one block sewn on my Dear Jane before the migraine struck and then when it cleared I had to get the dining room table cleared off (I generally sew in the Dining room since my sewing studio is too full of unfinished projects).
F-3 Snowball was a fun block to piece. I fussy cut the centre patch to feature the lovely autumn leaf in metallic gold. I didn't paper piece as the Dear Jane website suggested. View Tropical Screamer's Version.

Very little reading got done last week as I was determined to finish this scarf for my son. He is away at school and won't be home for his birthday. As you can see I did get it finished and it is wrapped in a fabric bag and I sent it home with my sister to give to him on his birthday on the 22nd. He knows I made it for him and has even seen the pattern, and some of the un-assembled bits, but hasn't seen the finished product. I am thrilled with how well it turned out. The black mesh part measures 67 inches and the I-tubes are 80 inches. It actually was fairly easy to thread them in. I would recommend not weaving in the ends of the yarn until after you put the strips through the mesh. They did tend to pull back out a little bit. My daughter wants a similar scarf with a black mesh, but with each strip being a different bright colour. Myself, I am planning a brown mesh and then 5 different orange strips.
I first wrote about this pattern a month ago. It's by Iwona at the Knit Cafe.

The first step will be on the blog on October 23. You can find the pattern at Bernat Blog Mystery Afghan Knit Along. Stay tuned for my progress on this new project. Let me know if you decide to knit along with this project as well. My sister is thinking about it, though she is going to chose materials from her 'stash'.
If you will all excuse me now, I really do want to get back to my reading. I have a copy of 'Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit' by Mercedes Lackey that was sent to my by Penguin to review. When my kids were little I read every Arthurian legend book that I could get my hands on. This one is a new look at Gwen and she is a wonderful character. Hope to have my review in the next few days.
Bye for now.
Friday, 9 October 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays: Joseph Brant

Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) 1742 - 1807
There are two entries in this book by Joseph Brant, the first a letter to an un-identified gentleman and the second a letter of condolence. Both are written in a very thoughtful and eloquent manner. They invite, practically implore you to continue reading. Even though I have only read these two passages, it is easy to understand why Mr. Brant was such a good choice of statesman for the people of the Six Nations Confederacy. He played a major roll in the granting of lands to those loyal to the British when they located to where is now known as Brantford, Ontario.
Joseph Brant is also known for his translation of the 'Book of Common Prayer' and selections of 'the Bible' , including the Gospel of St. Mark into the Mohawk Language.
Unfortunately I was unable to determine if there is a collection of letters written by Joseph Brant.
Further Information about Joseph Brant:
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Murder in the Magick Club by Byron A. Lorrier

Sorry that the photo I took does no justice to the wonderful cover of this book. In reality it is a slick, glossy black that begs to be touched.
I started reading and was working through the first chapters taking it very seriously, and not enjoying the story very much. I went and re-read the promo post card that I received from the author and realized I was in the wrong frame of mind for this book. I wasn't reading a financial report, rather a fun, yet quirky story. I told myself to loosen up and enjoy. From the next chapter forward I started to get into the characters.
Bryn has opened a bar called 'the Magick Club' and he employs the oddest assortment of staff. Robert and Cal are his waiters, both petty criminals and definitely not 'above board'. Magdeline(Madge) and Briana(Bri) are waitresses, of which, only Bri seems to have any concept of actually working. Honey is the resident psychic, though she plays only a small roll in the plot.
One morning Bryn finds a body behind the dumpster. None of the employees know the dead man or have any idea what happened. The murder, in fact, is not the main story here. Rather its about this bunch of misfits who find themselves thrown or drawn together each day. They are such a bizarre group that I can't understand why Bryn doesn't fire them all, well except for Briana, and why does she put up with them?
At first I had some empathy for Madge, but the more she opened her mouth the more disgusted I became with her. She was a walking, talking contradiction. I wanted to thump some sense into her. I started to look forward to what weirdness she could spout next. (I'm sitting here shaking my head...).
I could almost like Bryn. His talking in the vernacular at first seemed a bit overdone, but as the chapters fled by, I didn't really notice it anymore and it became natural to him. I don't know what he was doing running a bar. He was an educated man and could have chosen other careers, but for some unknown reason, Robert and Cal hold some sort of sway in getting him to do what they want. This is not really explored, so the reader is left to speculate. Is it the unspoken magic that surrounds the bar, the building, and possibly the whole neighbourhood?
This was a interesting book. The murder was a sideline for me, it was all about the people and their thoughts and behaviours. As odd and unbelievable as they may be, I feel that I may have met some of them specially Madge. No one can make up people like this, they must be real. A visit to some trailer trash and petty criminals all without leaving my comfy front room.
Read Mama Zen's review
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Needlework Tuesday

Block M-5 Mother's Point was a nice 4 patch style block.

Block D-13 Field of Dreams was made with fabric that was given to me. I can't recall when it arrived by I know that I liked it instantly. I'm assuming the title of this block refers to a baseball diamond. View Tropical Screamer's Version.

Block L-1 Widow's Pane is assembled log cabin style to get the white inner border. It is also a variation of a 4 patch.

Block M-12 Hopscotch was straight forward to sew. Long strips are sewn together, pressed and then sub-cut to make the striped units. Then it's put together as a 9 patch. Too bad I don't really like doing strip piecing. I find that sewing those long pieces together results in long wavy seams and you then lose accuracy.

Block J-6 Granny Weaver. Wonder why this name was chosen? The orange yarn fabric was one that I purchased for use in an ABC swap. It was used for y-yarn.

This was a very productive week. Doubt that I'll be able to top this one, 7 blocks. I have completed most of the straight forward blocks and from now on I expect that they will get to be a bit more time consuming. Come back next week and see how I do on F-3 Snowball.....
Heart Fabric Challenge

I have finally taken a picture of all the blocks. They are wonderful and so imaginative. I have drawn the winners from the participants and will be mailing them off to their new homes.
I also had a contest here on my blog to win a piece of the fabric. I have decided that since I have been so slow I will send a larger piece to each of the 3 entrants.
Anya, Marie and Carol will all receive a piece of fabric with approximately 60 hearts. I trust they will enjoy creating something fun.
Thanks to all who followed this challenge.
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

Author Barbara Kingsolver has a new novel coming out soon, 'The Lacuna'. In anticipation of its release, HarperCollins is offering the full version of her earlier work, 'The Poisonwood Bible' for free on their Browse Inside feature for the month of October.
I have not read this book yet, so I have pasted in a copy of the publishers review. If you would like to start reading right away, Browse Inside 'The Poisonwood Bible'.
From HarperCollins:
The Poisonwood Bible is a story told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959. They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it—from garden seeds to Scripture—is calamitously transformed on African soil. What follows is a suspenseful epic of one family's tragic undoing and remarkable reconstruction over the course of three decades in postcolonial Africa.
The novel is set against one of the most dramatic political chronicles of the twentieth century: the Congo's fight for independence from Belgium, the murder of its first elected prime minister, the CIA coup to install his replacement, and the insidious progress of a world economic order that robs the fledgling African nation of its autonomy. Against this backdrop, Orleanna Price reconstructs the story of her evangelist husband's part in the Western assault on Africa, a tale indelibly darkened by her own losses and unanswerable questions about her own culpability. Also narrating the story, by turns, are her four daughters—the self-centered, teenaged Rachel; shrewd adolescent twins Leah and Adah; and Ruth May, a prescient five-year-old. These sharply observant girls, who arrive in the Congo with racial preconceptions forged in 1950s Georgia, will be marked in surprisingly different ways by their father's intractable mission, and by Africa itself. Ultimately each must strike her own separate path to salvation. Their passionately intertwined stories become a compelling exploration of moral risk and personal responsibility.
The novel is set against one of the most dramatic political chronicles of the twentieth century: the Congo's fight for independence from Belgium, the murder of its first elected prime minister, the CIA coup to install his replacement, and the insidious progress of a world economic order that robs the fledgling African nation of its autonomy. Against this backdrop, Orleanna Price reconstructs the story of her evangelist husband's part in the Western assault on Africa, a tale indelibly darkened by her own losses and unanswerable questions about her own culpability. Also narrating the story, by turns, are her four daughters—the self-centered, teenaged Rachel; shrewd adolescent twins Leah and Adah; and Ruth May, a prescient five-year-old. These sharply observant girls, who arrive in the Congo with racial preconceptions forged in 1950s Georgia, will be marked in surprisingly different ways by their father's intractable mission, and by Africa itself. Ultimately each must strike her own separate path to salvation. Their passionately intertwined stories become a compelling exploration of moral risk and personal responsibility.
Dancing between the dark comedy of human failings and the breathtaking possibilities of human hope, The Poisonwood Bible possesses all that has distinguished Barbara Kingsolver's previous work, and extends this beloved writer's vision to an entirely new level. Taking its place alongside the classic works of postcolonial literature, this ambitious novel establishes Kingsolver as one of the most thoughtful and daring of modern writers.
Dancing between the dark comedy of human failings and the breathtaking possibilities of human hope, The Poisonwood Bible possesses all that has distinguished Barbara Kingsolver's previous work, and extends this beloved writer's vision to an entirely new level. Taking its place alongside the classic works of postcolonial literature, this ambitious novel establishes Kingsolver as one of the most thoughtful and daring of modern writers.
Thanks to HarperCollins for the cover photo.
Friday, 2 October 2009
First Nations/Aboriginal Fridays

I wanted to introduce you to a new feature that I will be starting next Friday. I borrowed this wonderful volume from my library and realized that it has so much material in it, from over 50 First Nations authors, that I can't possibly review it in one posting. Over the next while I will review at least one section each Friday.
A few of these authors are familiar to me and I have read some of their works, but many are new and I am looking forward to becoming acquainted with their stories.
I welcome suggestions of additional First Nations/Aboriginal authors both from Canada and other countries.
Let me know if you feature similar literature on your blog and I'll post a link.
I hope that you will return next Friday and join me in getting to know these authors.
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle

I was thrilled to receive this book in the mail. It was well travelled by the time it hit my mailbox. It started in England, then to Australia, next to South Africa and finally to Ontario Canada. Wow, I am tired thinking about all those miles.
It is part of the "Lost World Read 2009" that celebrates the 150th birthday of Arthur Conan Doyle and the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin.
This version of the book was specially printed for this program and it has also been registered with Bookcrossing and will continue travelling to other willing readers.
I had never read the book previously, but had watched bits and pieces of television shows based on the book. This finally clues me in to why people are stranded on a plateau with animals thought long extinct.
I really enjoyed 3 of the main characters: Mr. Malone, the young love struck newspaper man who wants to impress his love, Lord John Roxton, an adventurer, and Professor Challenger, the man who first brought word of the lost plateau and its inhabitants. I didn't really like Professor Summerlee, the naysayer, but he was needed for the plot to develop. Does there need to be a doubting Thomas to push for the discovery of evidence?
Throughout their adventures they showed that they could put aside their differences and work together for the common good, which in this case was their survival.
A wonderful read and I look forward to sending it along to its next reader.
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