Sunday 3 June 2012

Jane Austen Visits Halifax

Jane had a wonderful time in Halifax with her gracious host Linda, from the blog  Scrapmaster.  Linda has posted all sorts of photos of the two of them visiting Quilt Canada and photos of the numerous quilters that she was introduced to. 

Jane is ready to continue with her travels, but is in need  of a host.  Let me know if you would like to host Jane for a few days and show her around your part of the world.


Shelley said...

Jane should come visit me towards the end of July. We will take a trip to the largest quilt show in Augusta, Maine. If Jane is interested, I can email dates for arrival, dates of the show, and schedule her departure date.

Lady Penguin said...

RYN: I modified a mini-sweater pattern I got with a kit for my jerseys. I can send you my mods if you would like.