Tuesday 5 June 2012

Needlework Tuesday- Keep on Stitching

Needlework Tuesday is open to all readers looking for inspiration, encouragement or who want to share their recent needlework project. Introduce yourself in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your current post. Feel free to grab the cute little mouse for your post.

It's been dreary weather for the past few days.  Lots of rain, but don't get me wrong, we really needed the rain.  Our grass had turned into a brown, crunchy mass a few weeks back.  I can almost imagine it turning green already.  Up side is that it gives me more time inside working on my stitching.

Last evening was the end of year meeting at my local quilt guild.  For the past few years we have been making blocks for the outgoing president.  This year she wanted black, white and red (same red as in our flag).  We could select any pattern though it needed to measure 12 inches.  The goal I set myself, if to find a block that no one else will make.  This year, I selected "Paul Revere's Ride" designed by Judy Martin from her book Knockout Blocks and Sampler Quilts. Click the link for my review and some additional photos.  In July, during my vacation,  I will have a post showing the rest of red, black and white blocks.  They are stunning.  I'll write a second post and include photos of the quilts that our guild past presidents have made with their blocks.

Yippee, I finished the quilting and binding on my mini sampler.  The light was really weird today, so I had to go out on the deck to get this photo.  I used a 3 inch wide template to mark an over all quilting pattern.  I offset and spaced the rows about 1/2 an inch  I'm really pleased with how it turned out.  I have asked my mother to machine and embroider the label and after I attach that, will give it to my dad.  It's just a wee quilt, so dad can take it around the house to enjoy.  We're waiting to see if this new treatment is effective with his multiple myeloma.  Thanks to Joanne at Thread Head for the pattern.
One project finishes and another begins.  A few weeks ago I signed up for an ugly fabric swap.  Called In the Bag - Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge, several dozen participants were paired with other quilters and they exchanged two yards of fabric.

These are the fabrics that my partner Melissa sent to me.  I love the snails.  It's the florals that will be a challenge to me.  I generally don't set out to buy florals; they are much too traditional for me.
I was easily able to find some fabrics in my stash to work with those snails.  In the fashion of the turtle and the hare, which will win the race, the snail or the bee?
These are the fabrics that I sent to Melissa.  I wanted to make them challenging without being too difficult.  A bit of colour co-ordination but contrasting patterns.  And of course, I had to send some of the florals that I wasn't planning on using.   stay tuned for continuing updates on this project.  I have till October to complete my project.

One more square to go and I'll be finished row 6.  There are to be 15 rows in total.  I do think it is going to need a round or two of crochet afterward.  I've momentarily mis-placed the pattern, but I don't recall it including any instructions for finishing the edges.

How did you do with your projects this past week?  Finishes or did you start something new.  Please leave a comment and share your stitching.

1 comment:

Felicity Grace Terry said...

loving the idea of that fabric swap. I adore the fabrics you sent to Melissa and especially the lilac one with the black dots.