Tuesday 15 October 2013

Needlework Tuesday - Brrr, it's getting chilly

Welcome to Needlework Tuesday.  I am changing my layout just a wee bit.  Instead of starting each post with the cute little mouse, I'm going to begin with a current project. On my side bar on my blog home page, I have a list of the ten most popular post for either the past week or past month, and many of them show the same little mouse.  That's not very descriptive.  In the future, it should show a photo that is more descriptive of that particular week's activities.  I'll save the mouse for the second photo.

Last week I shared with you the cowl I had started.  That's it on the right of the photo.  I am really pleased with how it turned out and immediately started a second.  this is for son's girlfriend who happens to love pink.  It is made from 2 balls of Pinguin Atoll, 100 stitches on 5 mm needles and I added a twist before completing the circle.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

My Saturday morning class is coming to a close.  We now have all the block patterns and I have finished the final 4 large blocks that I need.  The next two months we'll be talking about how to set these blocks into a quilt.  I have already selected my layout and am now focusing my piecing toward finishing my top by the November meeting.  The purple and mauve block is not for the quilt, but I though of that colouration after I have finished cutting all the pieces I needed for the two blocks and needed to see how it would look.  I'm sure I'll find a home for it in a future project.

The final two large blocks.  Yippee, now to sew 40 small 4 1/2 inch blocks.

Last week I mentioned I was cutting batiks, lots of batiks.  I have the first 21 blocks stitched and they worked out perfectly.  I used the Gretchen block pattern from Debby Kratovil and is free from Craftsy.  Any readers wanting to make this block and would like to trade batik fabrics to make it, send me a private email.  I'd like to increase my variety as I would like to piece a second quilt to keep, this one is for my niece.

Don't these look lovely.  These are for my next knitting project.  It's the weather scarf knit along from  Bernat.  I am going to start with October 1s high and work forward from there.  Should have photos and a better explanation next week.  I decided to knit  with a worst weight yarn so it will be really long and acrylic because it's easy to wash.  Marie at Daisy's Book Journal is also working on her scarf, though she started much earlier in the year.  Click the link to see how her's is looking.

Who else is working on this scarf?

Until next week, keep on stitching.

Sarah at Lit and Laundry has an update to her Santa's Village cross stitch and a wee peek at her Halloween project.

Over at Just One More Thing, Tami has a wonderful Christmas project that would bring a smile to Charles Schulz (creator of Charlie Brown comics) face.


Tami said...

Love those fall color blocks. Beautiful!

Can't wait to see your scarf. I've been watching Marie's progress on hers and it looks like fun. Once again makes me want to take up knitting.

Threeundertwo said...

I have a post today! http://litandlaundry.blogspot.com/2013/10/santas-village-9.html

I LOVE batiks and that's a great block to use them. I don't envy you making a bunch of 4.5 inch blocks - that's really small!

I've seen weather scarves before. Maybe I should make one. I'm off to look at Maries.

Marie said...

Great work, Heather. Both cowls are wonderful, but I especially like the pink one. Nice and bright for the dreary days of winter.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your temperature scarf. Lots of reds/oranges, I see. Great colours! We are expecting some colder days this coming week. I'll be breaking out the greens! There will be a photo next week.

I've been working on my Zentangle daisy. The idea started out small, but it's taken on a life of it's own and has grown. I hope to be finished next week. Let me know how you guys are coming along with yours.