Tuesday 22 July 2014

Needlework Tuesday - I'm In London visiting the Queen

 I'm away this week in London visiting with the Queen.  Well, London, Ontario and my mother.  She fell last week and broke her leg and needs some TLC.  Today sh is modelling a stylish purple cast. Perfectly fitting as it is the team colour at the University of Western Ontario, which is down the street from her.

In my rush to get here to help, I carefully packed everything I might need during my stay, including the scarf that I had started for daughter.  I had completed 3 pattern repeats and was quite pleased about the results.  I was so looking forward to stitching more.  I made a comment to daughter that I had better not forget my knitting or I'd have to call my sister for an emergency replacement kit.

I'm sure you can guess what happened.  When we unpacked the car at moms, my knitting got missed and daughter took it back home.  So, yes, I, did have to call my sister for a replacement project.  Son brought it by today in this lovely bag.
Three balls of a pretty grey, knitting needles, and a pattern.
"Reversible Herringbone Scarf" by Sammie Carraher.   The free pattern is from the blog Neverendingyarn.  Look at the upper right area of the page for the scarf image.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you

 Are you stitching this week, or perhaps you are vacationing and visiting distant shops.  Anyone participating in the Row by Row Experience.  Over 1200 quilt shops across the US and Ontario, Canada are offering a free block pattern to all in person visitors.  Visit the website to see if there are participating shops near you. 

February 8, 2015 - Thank-you all for your concern and best wishes for my mom.  She has healed beautifully though still using her cane when she goes outside.  She ended up in a cast for 16 weeks.  The fracture was about 4 inches long and went right to the end of the bone, that's why it took so long to heal.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework post.


Marie said...

Oh, no! Tell the "Queen" I'm sending healing thoughts her way. I hope she's up and around in no time. Love the purple, by the way.

I won't be doing a post today, but I have done a little knitting. I've kept up with my second temperature scarf and I've started another scarf with some wool I found while moving stuff up from the basement. I wanted something simple to do and I'm hoping it'll fit the bill.

Have a good week.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Oh your poor mum. Hope she gets on her feet soon:)

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Sorry to hear about your mom Hope she's feeling better soon. Love that pretty yarn and the bag is lovely. Have a great day!!

Food for Thought

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Here's hoping she isn't in too much pain and is soon on the road to recovery.

Kate said...

A little late, but I sewed something this week!
Love your mom's cast. One of my fav. colours.
Too bad I went to Waterloo (gold and black) instead of Western.

Anne Payne said...

Love the purple cast but not why she has it! Of course, by now she probably doesn't have it anymore.

Anonymous said...

The colour of her cast was very nice.Has her leg tottaly healed?Hope she feels better and doesnt have any pain.