Wednesday 15 February 2017

Needlework Tuesday - Like a Breath of Fresh Air

 It's amazing what even a week long vacation can do for the body and sole.   I am much refreshed after my visit to Cuba.  The sun was hot, the people friendly and the company terrific.

Hubby and I spent the week at Varadaro relaxing.  As my regular readers know, I returned to work in August after being at home for twenty years. Wow, what a change of pace.  Retail is hectic during the holidays.  A week spent being pampered, ie: no cooking, no cleaning, was heaven.  Even the 3 1/2 hour delay of our departure from Hamilton didn't bother me much.  I did learn, that those $15. meal vouchers they give you when your flight is so so delayed, don't go work well when there is not enough food available  in the entire airport for that many people to purchase.  When the Tim Horton's ran out of food and I had lots of money left on my voucher, I purchased a coffee and donut for the fellow in line behind me.

The food was so so at the resort, but the pastry chef was great.  There was an assortment of delights at the end of each meal, my favourite being the pink confections.  Can't go wrong with pink.  ( I shared these desserts with hubby, well some of them anyway)

 It did feel like I was at my friend Janet's with the chickens wandering around.
 Cuba is also the home of the vintage car.  #ClassicCars
They are very popular as taxis.  The weather was too perfect for us to want a taxi, but I wish my brother could have been there, he would have been wanting a close up.

Not to be left out, I felt very at home with the horse and buggies, in some ways reminiscent of the Mennonite buggies seen in my neighbourhood.

The grounds of our hotel were most beautifully kept. Lots of trees and shrubs growing in profusion.

This is how we spent much of the week, on the beach reading.  Actually, our pasty skin was kept to the shade for the most part even with the heavy sunscreen.  I didn't take any stitching as it didn't seem right to be knitting in the sand.\

I did take some little bags and scarves that I stitched as gifts for the lady that cleaned and tidied our room.  Needless to say, our room was spotless and well stocked with towels and such.  I'm glad she appreciated my work.

Next week I'll be back with updates on my current needlework projects.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you. I hope that you are having fun and making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment. 

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your needlework

1 comment:

Lin said...

I would love to go to Cuba - what a fascinating place it must be. Glad you had a good holiday. xx