Tuesday 28 February 2017

Needlework Tuesday - Planning my next quilting project

There is one thing I have long struggled with in my stitching, finishing one project completely before starting the next.  I have projects that were begun way back (I refuse to identify the year or decade, but it is almost considered ancient) that I still intend to finish.  For now, they sit in various bags stashed around my house. ouch.

I am now in the final stages of the blue quilt, thread ends to be buried, binding to attach and the last step of making and attaching the label.  While I physically working on those steps, I have been planning some future projects.  The top of the list involves these t-shirts.  I need a lot more than this, but it's what I have at the moment.  I also have two metres of bright orange-yellow fleece for the background.  Unfortunately, the bag containing the fleece is buried somewhere in those bags of other unfinished/in-progress projects.

I have a new approach in mind for this quilt and plan to write it up as a mini tutorial.  Hopefully by the end of March I'll have enough progress to share the technique with you.

Even though the weather has been gorgeous, I started a new pair of slippers.  I've been wanting to knit a dozen or so pairs to give to family and friends, but I want them all ready at the same time so the recipients can choose their favourite pair.  This is set #4.   These style of slippers are referred to as pocket slippers and are perfect for taking along when you are out visiting as they are small and fit easily in your pocket.  My daughters re-named them fittens, mittens for the feet.  I wrote and earlier post about them with a link to the pattern.

Yes, the knitting is a distraction from dealing with those thread ends, but what can I say in my own defence, I have a problem with task dedication.  I'll get it done as I am quite excited about getting the finished quilt back to my friend so she can enjoy it on her bed.

I got a little off track with my crafting/needlework planner and to-do list.  One week kind of stretched out to include three weeks. Not really a worry, today I will start the next week and I'll be back on track.  That's the cool thing I am finding about a bullet journal, it's free form and if you get of track, you can easily start again on any given day.  So as of today, I'm back on track. (little happy dance).

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

Thanks for all your book recommendations last week.  I'll keep them in mind when I'm looking for future reads.

Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current needlework 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can we see a picture of your bullet journal?